Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
30/10/2007Environmental Policies and Efforts in Social Housing the NetherlandsMinna Sunikka and Claudia BoonDownload
05/05/2023Policy recommendations for sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods and buildingsVictoria Taranu (BPIE), Vivian Dorizas (BPIE)Download
02/12/2016Shrinking Social Housing Stocks as a Barrier to the Eradication of Homelessness: The Cases of Germany, Finland, the United Kingdom and SpainGuillem Fernandez EvangelistaDownload
15/06/2009Adopting Organized Self-Help Housing Approach in Low-Cost Housing in Davao City, PhilippinesRowena Santos-DelgadoDownload
08/11/2023Ensuring Inclusivity, Resilience, and Affordability of Housing for low-income and Informal Settler Families in the PhilippinesUN-HabitatDownload
03/09/2014Report on Nexus activities in Naga City/Philippines on affordable housing and waste water management conceptRuth Erlbeck Ralph TrosseDownload
Local Building Materials: Affordable Strategy for Housing the Urban Poor in Nigeria.Iwuagwu Ben Ugochukwu , Iwuagwu Ben Chioma MDownload
01/01/2020Understanding South Africa’s Housing Finance Market January 2020CAHFDownload
High-rise housing in Europe R. Turkington R. van Kempen F. Wassenberg (eds.) Current trends and future prospectsR. Turkington R. van Kempen F. Wassenberg (eds.)Download
Singapore’s Social Housing keep up with Changing TimesSarah KeatingDownload
22/05/2007Solution and Systems for Social and Affordable HousingDr. Naveed Anwar & Mr. Gyanendra SthapitDownload
01/01/2011Bridging the Gap: Policy Instruments to Encourage Private Sector Provision of Affordable Rental Housing in AlbertaSasha Tsenkova and Melissa WitwerDownload
05/05/2016Affordable Housing as a Method for Informal Settlements Sustainable UpgradingAdel EI Menshawy, Sherine Shafik, Fadwa khedrDownload
01/05/2016Housing Affordability and Income-Threshold in Social Housing PolicyGrazia Napoli, Maria Rosa Trovato, Salvatore GiuffridaDownload
Strategy for the Inclusion of Affordable HousingHABITER MONTRÉALDownload
Valuation models for low-income housing: How does income approach reduce ambiguity of assessing property tax?Md. Akhter Hossain Sarker, Ishtiak MahmudDownload
Designing New York: Quality Affordable HousingNYC Public Design CommissionDownload
Allocation and Preservation of Affordable Housing: A Spatially Discriminated Supply‐Demand Analysis Based on Parcel Level Employment AssignmentAbdulnaser Arafat (University of Florida), Yuyang Zou (University of Florida), Andres Blanco (University of Florida), Ruoniu Wang (University of Florida) Presenter’s Download
Housing Supply and Affordability: Do Affordable Houisng Mandates work?Benjamin Powell, Ph.D and Edward Stringham, Ph.DDownload
Identifying Suitable Locations for The Development and Preservation of Affordable Housing in Florida: The AHS ModelShimberg CenterDownload