Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
27/02/2006Evaluation of the thermal performance of the envelope of an innovative construction system for low cost buildingsJ.R. García ChávezDownload
13/02/2012Development and Promotion of Bamboo Housing Technology in East AfricaShyam PaudelDownload
12/07/2022The Impact of Forced Displacement on Housing and Urban Settlement in Host CommunitiesSemih TumenDownload
17/03/2021Affordable Rental Housing Making It Part of Europe’s RecoveryKhalid Elfayoumi, el.alDownload
21/05/2021Measuring Housing Affordability Using Residual Income Method for Million-plus Cities in IndiaPrabhat Kumar Rao and Dr. Arindam BiswasDownload
19/03/2020An Analysis on Low Cost and Energy Efficient Materials for Sustainable HousingV. Nandhini , D. Ambika , V. Sampath Kumar , S. Dhinu Priya , G. Poovizhi and V. Santha Rubini Download
19/04/2024Experimental Investigation on Self Sustainable Building Material Used for Low-Cost HousingMr. Shubham Kumar Gond; Mr. Amit Chaudhari; Prof. Pravin ThoratDownload
Sustainable Low-Cost Housing Provision in NigeriaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
Affordable Land and Housing in Latin America and the CaribbeanUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
02/09/2021Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts CompressedENHRDownload
13/04/2024Bamboo As Sustainable Material For Building ConstructionG. E. Okolnikova G. T. Weldelibanos H. B. Kahsay A. G. GebrezgiabherDownload
The Math Behind Housing Development (2023 Update)Updating by ACASH is in processDownload
USA’s Industrialized HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/08/2024A Research Article on “Sustainable Construction Material”Pratiksha Patil, Prof. R.S. Kedar, Prof. R.K. KakpureDownload
Understanding The Needs of India’s Informal Housing Dwellers – CopyUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
15/12/2011The French Homelessness Strategy: Reforming Temporary Accommodation, and Access to Housing to deliver ‘Housing First’: Continuum or Clean BreakNoémie HouardDownload
Ethiopia – Sustainable Low-Cost HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
03/04/2019Affordable Housing Financing and Delivery in SingaporeMs Sia Tze MingDownload
15/07/2021Exploring housing market and urban densification during COVID-19 in TurkeyJournal of Urban ManagementDownload
11/12/2021Housing for Migrants and Refugees in the UNECE Region Challenges and practicesUnited Nations Economic Commission For EuropeDownload