Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
14/09/2018Demystifying The Low Cost Housing Issues In MalaysiaWan Sumayyah Syahidah Wan Mohamad, et.alDownload
11/08/2021Urban growth and landslide risk in Tijuana, MexicoAldo Onel Oliva González, et.alDownload
07/08/2024The Relationship Between Housing Conditions and Social VulnerabilitiesAmer Hamad Issa AbukhalafDownload
19/10/2017Standard of Living in Urban SlumsSugata Bag and Suman SethDownload
Access to Water in The Slums of The Developing WorldHulya Dagdeviren & Simon A. RobertsonDownload
Life In Slums: A Case Study of BahawalpurRana Ejaz Ali KhanDownload
01/03/2022An Integrated Approach to Address the Ontario Housing CrisisAssociation of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)Download
15/06/2023Housing Affordability: Philanthropic Solutions for Santa Barbara CountyStephen Hicks and Jackie CarreraDownload
12/12/2023Balancing Urban Development: Literature on the Nexus Between Affordable Housing and Urban SprawlAnthony Dornubari Enwin and Tamunoikuronibo Dawaye IkirikoDownload
19/02/2023Building Affordable Housing Initiatives from Institutions of Higher EducationLisa Gring-Pemble, et.alDownload
27/10/2023Our Homes, Action for Housing: A 5-Year Housing PlanJohn LohrDownload
20/10/2023LA Affordable Housing Decarbonization Case StudiesGeffen Oren, et.alDownload
18/09/2023Making Affordable Housing a Reality in RwandaCentre for Affordable Housing Finance in AfricaDownload
17/06/2022The Affordable Housing Market in Pakistan: Trends, Challenges and OpportunitiesReallDownload
19/01/2023100% Affordable Housing: Technical Advice Note 2Rother District CouncilDownload
12/10/2023Affordable Housing Master Plan Town of CollingwoodnblcDownload
19/09/2013Redevelopment, Subjectivity, and Difference in Mumbai’s Slum FrontierSapana DoshiDownload
15/04/2017Changes in Infrastructural Condition of Slums in IndiaSomenath GhoshDownload
Comfort Factors in Low-Cost Houses: Case Study at Batu Pahat, Johor MalaysiaBATU PAHAT, AND JOHORDownload
PRO Neighbourhoods Innovative Strategies for Affordable HousingAlexander Von Hoffman and Mathew ArckDownload