Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
02/12/2023Housing Affordability: Governmental Barriers and Market-Based SolutionsNorbert J. MichelDownload
29/03/2023The Challenges in Providing Affordable Housing in NigeriaIshola Adedeji, Gokay Deveci and Huda SalmanDownload
30/01/2023Resilient and Affordable Housing in the CaribbeanUnited NationsDownload
02/06/2023Shared Housing as a Missing Middle Solution for Rural CommunitiesAlison LintalDownload
15/07/2023Housing Affordability IrelandWendy Disch and Rachel SlaymakerDownload
22/09/2023Unaffordable and Inadequate Housing in EuropeHans Dubois and Sanna NivakoskiDownload
13/05/2023Social and Affordable Housing ShortagesLenny Roth and Damian GilyanaDownload
05/02/2023Jacksonville’s Affordable Rental Housing CrisisDavid JaffeeDownload
21/08/2023How Will Californians Solve the Housing Crisis? Karla López del RíoDownload
18/08/2022Increasing the Supply of New Affordable HousingJanine Cuneo, et.alDownload
20/06/2023Inquiry into the Rental and Housing Affordability Crisis in VictoriaYouth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic)Download
08/05/2023Affordable Housing and Housing Mix Supplementary Planning Guidance May 2023Belfast Planning Service Download
13/03/2023Tackling Housing Concerns at the State-LevelNayantara Nair, et.alDownload
26/05/2023Identifying Existing Properties for Reuse into Social Housing Rashmi Sanchaniya and Ineta GeipeleDownload
06/06/2021Challenges in Integrating Sustainability into Affordable Housing Projects in IndiaDr. Mayank Varshney, et.alDownload
13/08/2023Appraising Alternative Building Technologies Adoption in Low-Cost Housing Provision to Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 11Andrew Ebekozien, et.alDownload
08/09/2022New European Bauhaus Circular Housing in Ukraine (Project B)Mirjam Niemeyer and Natasha KozubDownload
29/03/2023The Challenges in Providing Affordable Housing in Nigeria and the Adequate Sustainable Approaches for Addressing ThemIshola Adedeji, Gokay Deveci and Huda SalmanDownload
12/05/2022Housing Policy and Affordable HousingChristian A.L. Hilber and Olivier SchöniDownload
22/04/2022Assessing the Impact of Affordable Housing on Nearby Property Values in Alexandria, VirginiaChristina Stacy and Christopher DavisDownload