Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
16/09/2022Sustainable Financing Framework – KHFCKorea Housing Finance Corporation (KHFC)Download
23/06/2016National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Housing and Sustainable City DevelopmentHABITAT IIIDownload
04/01/1991Housing Finance in JapanMiki SekoDownload
19/07/2022The Housing Finance Industry in India – The Road AheadDeepak Sood and Jyoti Prakash GadiaDownload
12/08/2016Low-Income Housing Overview of Issues and AnswersZaigham M. RizviDownload
13/08/2017Asia-Pacific: Housing Scenario and Need for ACASHZaigham M. RizviDownload
22/02/2018Asia-Pacific: Regional Developments in Housing FinanceZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/03/2014Promoting Social Protection Through Empowered CommunitiesZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/09/2019Evaluating the changing role, dynamics and future of urban planning – Case of PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
15/07/2021The Dynamics of Housing Demand in the Philippines: Income and Lifecycle EffectsMarife M. BallesterosDownload
02/02/2019Constitutional Status of Gilgit-Baltistan: Future Scenarios Zunaira Inam KhanDownload
21/07/2007Recommendations for Nationwide Provision of “Housing Finance” 2007State Bank of PakistanDownload
13/10/2016Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)Arjun Narasingha KCDownload
12/07/2013At Home on the Housing MarketRichard Ronald, et.alDownload
17/04/2021The Complexity of Financing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Housing in the United StatesElizabeth Kneebone and Carolina K. ReidDownload
12/10/2008Housing in Maldives – Assessing The ChallengeHuman Rights Commission of the MaldivesDownload
10/03/2023Maldives Integrated National Financing FrameworkMariyam Manarath Muneer, et.alDownload
13/10/2022Maldives Development UpdateThe World Bank Download
23/06/2019Housing and Household Characteristics Household Income & Expenditure Survey 2019Aishath LailaDownload
25/10/2021Low Cost Housing and Human Behaviour Towards Low Cost HousingPinal BarotDownload