Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
04/07/2018National Affordable Housing PolicyZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/10/2022Affordable Housing Models Asian Scenario at Global Housing FoundationZaigham M. RizviDownload
04/10/2002Development of the Long-Term System of Housing Financing in KazakhstanOECDDownload
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10/02/2022Affordable Housing in India: Definition and Current StatusTerra Economics and Analytics LabDownload
05/08/2021Shelter Homes and Elderly Women: A Case Study of Varanasi district of Uttar PradeshDebanjana NagDownload
13/08/2017Asia-Pacific: Housing Scenario and need for ACASHZaigham M. RizviDownload
22/04/2016National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Housing and Sustainable CIty DevelopmentHABITAT IIIDownload
21/09/2006Expansion of HBFC’s Presence through Out-Reach Program (EOP)Zaigham M. RizviDownload
03/10/2017Accelerating Growth of Affordable Housing in PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
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05/10/2020Urbanization: A Rapidly Emerging Development Issue for Lao PDRUN-Habitat Lao PDRDownload
11/12/2023Housing Deposit in KoreaSeoul Law GroupDownload
05/05/2016People’s room for manoeuvre in a fragmented city: State housing in Kibera, NairobiUN-HabitatDownload