Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
15/05/2009Nizamuddin Urban Renewal InitiativeMrs. Usha Sharma, et.alDownload
09/06/2021Participatory Approaches in Urban Redevelopment ProjectsEvrim Özkan Töre, Zeynep Ayşe Gökşin and Yasemin Erkan YazıcıDownload
01/01/2018Effects of the Slums Upgraded Neighbourhood Livelihoods on the Welfare of the ResidentsFatma Roble Maalim Gai and Professor Morris SakwaDownload
22/05/2015Reaching the Urban PoorJudy BakerDownload
12/12/2012Upgrading of Slums and Informal SettlementsGovernment of IndonesiaDownload
08/07/2016Socio-Economics Conditions of Slums DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
10/09/2016Socio-Economic Conditions of Slums DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
16/08/2018The Financialization of Rental HousingGertjan Wijburg, Manuel B. Aalbers and Susanne HeegDownload
20/05/2010Expanding Housing Finance to the Underserved in South AsiaTatiana NenovaDownload
24/02/2010Expanding Housing Finance to the Underserved in South AsiaTatiana NenovaDownload
05/03/2016Housing, Homeownership and Labour Market Change in Greater Jakarta, IndonesiaSurya Gunanta TariganDownload
10/01/2023Global Economic Prospects – January 2023The World Bank Download
12/06/2014Cities for AllDebolina KunduDownload
11/07/2008Housing Finance Mechanisms in IndonesiaUnited Nations Human Settlements Programme Download
22/09/2012Sustainable Urbanization in Asia Minoli Peiris, et.alDownload
21/04/2015Urban Crises and Humanitarian ResponsesDonald Brown, Camillo Boano, Cassidy Johnson, Janani Vivekananda, and Julian WalkerDownload
01/05/2015Urban-Rural Linkages and Global Sustainable Land UseUlrike Eppler, Uwe R. Fritsche, and Sabine LaaksDownload
31/08/2018Indonesia’s land reform: Implications for local livelihoods and climate changeIda Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, et.alDownload
13/11/2021From a Mere Sleeping Place to a Birth-Right: Trajectory of Housing PerspectivesMuwaffaq Usman AdamDownload
14/10/2021Tackling Dhaka’s Planning Issues: Philosophical Ideologies and Planning RemediesMd. Sohel RanaDownload