Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
12/02/2020Affordable Housing and Social Protection Systems NGO Committee for Social DevelopmentDownload
20/02/2019Housing Affordability Among low-Income Earners in Akure, NigeriaO B Adegun, A Joseph, A M AdebusuyiDownload
22/04/2020Affordable Housing in the USAaron NgoDownload
13/02/2013Affordable Housing Strategy – Affordable Housing Special DevelopmentCathryn Volkering CarlileDownload
08/02/2012Affordable Land and Housing In AfricaMichael Majale, Graham Tipple, Matthew French, Remy SietchipingDownload
08/10/2019High Cost of Homeless Housing: Review of PropositionUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
03/03/2020Increase Kingston’s Housing Supply for AllJohn Bolognone, City ClerkDownload
18/03/2020The Complexity of Housing and the Scale of the ChallengesProfessor Andrew Baum Download
19/12/2019Affordable Housing and Housing Stability Action Plan for the City of London 2019-2024Mayor Ed HolderDownload
05/12/2019Housing Crisis as an Ideological Artefactlain White, Gauri NandedkarDownload
13/05/2020Rethinking and Designing Low-Cost Housing in Developing CountriesGonzalo LizarraldeDownload
21/11/2018Sudan’s Exploring Sustainability in Providing Low-Cost Housing in KhartoumAwad E. ZuhalDownload
15/06/2011Global Urban Governance and Regional Capacity BuildingProf. V. Srinivas CharyDownload
29/08/2019Urban Social and Affordable HousingProf. Barbara SchönigDownload
16/06/2010Long Term Strategy for the Renovation of Flemish BuildingsEnergy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)Download
23/10/2019The Earthquake-Resistant Buildings are a sound Economic InvestmentEvan Reis, Ali SahabiDownload
05/02/2020Serious Affordable Housing Crisis in Los AngelesYun Soo KimDownload
20/04/2011Understanding the Grassroots Dynamics of Slums in NairobiEmmanuel Mutisyaa, Masaru Yarimea,Download
28/08/2019Planning for affordable rental housing in Metro VancouverMarc LeeDownload
15/07/2020Agriculture and the Rural Economy in PakistanDavid J. Spielman, Sohail J. Malik, Paul Dorosh, and Nuzhat AhmadDownload