Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
26/10/2019Addressing the Affordable Housing Challenges for Urban Poor in PakistanZafar Iqbal ZafarDownload
19/12/2023Shelter Afrique Development Bank Pioneers Affordable Housing Credit Guarantee Program in Nigeria with initial debt financing guarantee structure with Infracredit NigeriaPrivate Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG)Download
14/10/2022Long-term Sustainable Housing Solutions for Vulnerable ResidentsDevan Kanthasamy, et.alDownload
23/09/2015Slums as a Barrier to Urban Development in KolkataDr. Md. Julfikar Ali and Jaidul IslamDownload
11/08/2021Urban growth and landslide risk in Tijuana, MexicoAldo Onel Oliva González, et.alDownload
07/08/2024The Relationship Between Housing Conditions and Social VulnerabilitiesAmer Hamad Issa AbukhalafDownload
19/10/2017Standard of Living in Urban SlumsSugata Bag and Suman SethDownload
12/12/2023Balancing Urban Development: Literature on the Nexus Between Affordable Housing and Urban SprawlAnthony Dornubari Enwin and Tamunoikuronibo Dawaye IkirikoDownload
18/09/2023Making Affordable Housing a Reality in RwandaCentre for Affordable Housing Finance in AfricaDownload
17/06/2022The Affordable Housing Market in Pakistan: Trends, Challenges and OpportunitiesReallDownload
15/04/2017Changes in Infrastructural Condition of Slums in IndiaSomenath GhoshDownload
21/06/2019Low-Cost Housing for Lig Case StudyLokesh Pophaliya and Manish MataDownload
09/09/2023Rural Housing In India – Problems And SolutionsAshok Kumar and Dharmendra Kumar Download
01/01/1970Case Study and Analysis of a Low-Cost Housing Project in an Urban Area in IndiaP. Purusothaman and Jawalker K. Sridhar Rao Download
22/02/2023Innovations in stock matching and allocations: the social housing challengeIris Levin, et.alDownload
29/09/2009Affordable Housing for the Rural Poor in LessDeveloped EconomiesDeepa.G. Nai, et.alDownload
29/03/2023The Challenges in Providing Affordable Housing in Nigeria and the Adequate Sustainable Approaches for Addressing ThemIshola Adedeji, Gokay Deveci, and Huda SalmanDownload
05/03/2023A Transition to Sustainable HousingTrivess Moore and Andréanne DoyonDownload
26/07/2023Improving sustainability of affordable housing using innovative technologiesAlireza Moghayedi, et.alDownload
06/02/2023Re-identifying the Rural/UrbanIbrar UllahDownload