Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
15/07/2022Urban Challenges and Housing SolutionsFEANTSADownload
05/05/2021Quality Affordable Housing ConceptAdel El-Menshawy and Amr SharabyDownload
22/08/2022Sustainable Low‑cost Housing and Application of Textile Reinforced ConcreteSophia Immanuel and K. BaskarDownload
11/02/2020Mixed-income Housing DevelopmentFarida Rachmawatia and Connie SusilawatiDownload
20/05/2021Housing For All – An Exploratory Review of Social Housing Models in ViennaKacey Ng and Wilco van BemmelDownload
09/10/2021Public Housing Design GuidanceMinistry of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDownload
08/08/2022Analysis and Design of Low-Cost Circular Tube HousingDeepesh m p and Dr. Sunilaa GeorgeDownload
02/01/2022Matrix of Affordable Housing AssessmentAfaq Hyder ChohanDownload
21/04/2022Environmental Performance AssessmentJani F. Velazquez ´ Robles, et.alDownload
12/08/2022Co-design and Co-Building help make Collaborative Housing More Affordable?Jenny Stenberg, Tinna Harling and Anna BerglundDownload
20/01/2022Sustainable Housing Design Guide 2021Pollard Thomas EdwardsDownload
14/06/2022Identification of Risk Factors Associated with Construction of Low-Cost Housing SchemesMirza Hammad Ghazanfar Baig, et.alDownload
01/02/2022New Centralized Affordable Housing Access SystemAbigail Bond, et.alDownload
21/08/2019Low Cost House Materials and TechniquesManoj katiyar and Mohd.AbujarDownload
07/08/2022Assessing Safety Level of Affordable Housing Based on Safe City ConceptsSalwa Najlaa Mohamad Ali, et.alDownload
10/10/2022A Case of Sustainable Low-Cost Housing Projects in KenyaAddah WanyonyiDownload
05/01/2022Alternate Construction Technologies for Mass HousingAyush Kahre, et.alDownload
12/04/2013Deprivation, Dehumanisation and Defective Urban PlanningPrakhar Bisht.Download
07/07/2023U.S. Housing Supply: Recent Trends and Policy ConsiderationsLida R. WeinstockDownload
10/03/2023A Blueprint to tackle Queensland’s Housing CrisisHal Pawson, et.alDownload