Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
09/02/2023Nova Scotia’s Provincial Housing Needs Assessment ReportTurner Drake & Partners LtdDownload
10/07/2020Sweden’s Public Housing and Rent Control StrategyRyan Fox and Jason SyvixayDownload
05/04/2023Causes of Slum Emergence from Decently Built Government’s Affordable Housing Projects in Enugu, NigeriaAnthony Ikechukwu Agboeze et.alDownload
27/12/2023Affordable Housing – Challenges and Constraints for Local Governance in CanadaMuhammad Adil Rauf and Bruce FrayneDownload
29/03/2023The Challenges in Providing Affordable Housing in NigeriaIshola Adedeji, Gokay Deveci and Huda SalmanDownload
30/01/2023Resilient and Affordable Housing in the CaribbeanUnited NationsDownload
02/06/2023Shared Housing as a Missing Middle Solution for Rural CommunitiesAlison LintalDownload
15/07/2023Housing Affordability IrelandWendy Disch and Rachel SlaymakerDownload
13/05/2023Social and Affordable Housing ShortagesLenny Roth and Damian GilyanaDownload
05/02/2023Jacksonville’s Affordable Rental Housing CrisisDavid JaffeeDownload
18/08/2022Increasing the Supply of New Affordable HousingJanine Cuneo, et.alDownload
26/05/2023Identifying Existing Properties for Reuse into Social Housing Rashmi Sanchaniya and Ineta GeipeleDownload
29/03/2023The Challenges in Providing Affordable Housing in Nigeria and the Adequate Sustainable Approaches for Addressing ThemIshola Adedeji, Gokay Deveci and Huda SalmanDownload
20/07/2023Barriers and Enablers for Scaled-up Adoption of Compressed Earth Blocks in EgyptHisham Hafez, et,alDownload
11/05/2023Urban Poor Afford Sustainable ConstructionArne Georg Janssen and Laura Lima, et.alDownload
15/07/2022Housing Challenges in African CitiesPriscila IzarDownload
15/09/2023Improving Affordable Housing in the Mediterranean RegionRachael Marie Scicluna, et.alDownload
20/05/2022Madrid Call for Action on Affordable and Adequate HousingAffordable Housing Activation (AHA)Download
03/07/2019Urban Housing Affordability Problem in AfricaKwame Addae-DapaahDownload
30/07/2023Improving sustainability of affordable housing using innovative technologiesAlireza Moghayedi, et.alDownload