Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
20/06/2008Minority Ethnic Groups on the Dutch Housing MarketGideon Bolt, et.alDownload
25/06/2016Homeless Migrants in Mumbai – An Alarming ConcernManish K Jha and Pushpendra KumarDownload
28/08/2020Megacities Are Not the Future. They Are Inhumane and UnsustainableChandran NairDownload
12/03/2016How to attract more landlords to the housing choice voucher programDavid P. Varady, et.alDownload
05/05/2011Housing in the Urban Age: Inequality and Aspiration in MumbaiNikhil Anand and Anne RademacherDownload
22/12/2005Healthy Nature Healthy People: ‘Contact with Nature’ as an Upstream Health Promotion Intervention for PopulationsCecily Maller, et.alDownload
16/05/2016Emerging urbanization trends: The case of KarachiArif HasanDownload
01/03/2010Urban Housing Livable, Loveable and Affordable Anupam SunilDownload
08/07/2011Grass root mixite: some lessons learnt from Dharavi/ MumbaiMSc. Arch. Haluk Uluşan and Dr. tech. Renate Bornberg Download
22/07/2024Thinking Urbanization from the Ground: Innovations in governance, policy, and placemaking in the Global South.Dr Antony Boanada-Fuchs, et.alDownload
11/08/2015An Evaluation of Slum Upgrading Schemes in Nairobi CountyJuma Obare MichaelDownload
13/05/2011Comparing deconcentrating poverty policies in the United States and the NetherlandsManuel B. Aalbers, Wouter P.C. van Gent, and Fenne M. PinksterDownload
02/03/2010High Density Housing that works for allArif HasanDownload
24/06/2021Vaulted Earthen Floor Systems for Low-Cost Housing ConstructionSabrina GaitanDownload
03/09/2023From Poverty to EmpowermentAnu Madgavkar, et.alDownload
10/08/2023The Restless Urban Landscape of Housing Financialization: Geographies of Residential Real Estate Investment Trust Expansion in Germany and the United StatesZac J. Taylor and Manuel B. Aalbers Download
12/05/2021The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021United NationsDownload
20/03/2021Challenges and Opportunities for Housing Development in the Inland Empire: Perspectives from the CommunityKristen Kopko and Suki WangDownload
15/09/2012Affordable Housing and Housing Finance – Issues and solutionsZaigham M. RizviDownload
01/01/2016Humanity on the move: Unlocking the transformative power of citiesFrauke Kraas, et.alDownload