Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
26/05/2006Adapting Cities for Climate Change: The Role of the Green InfrastructureS.E. Gill, J.F. Handley, A.R. Ennos and S. PauleitDownload
03/08/2021Residents’ Opinions on Apartment Living in Lahore, PakistanTehniyat Fatima, et.alDownload
18/03/2021Mass Housing Features, Challenges And Its ImolementationRaj G. Patel and Dipali B. PaneriaDownload
03/05/2016Socio-Economic Conditions of Slums DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
04/05/2005Financing Urban ShelterKofi A. AnnanDownload
15/06/2013Planned Illegalities – Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in DelhiGautam BhanDownload
15/06/2013Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in Delhi: 1947-2010Gautam BhanDownload
26/02/2024A Framework for Affordable Housing in PakistanMr kamil khan MumtazDownload
16/06/2021Initiation of Housing Micro Finance in PakistanMuhammad Salman, Fariha Tariq and Minahil NawazDownload
13/03/2014Housing Sector of UzbekistanMinistry of Housing Economy of the Republic of UzbekistanDownload
10/09/2016Socio-Economic Conditions of Slums DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
12/05/2005Financing Urban ShelterKofi A. AnnanDownload
17/02/2016Housing Policies in TurkeyIsikkaya Ali DevrimDownload
25/06/2009low cost urban housing in Kuala LumpurA.M.R. Aminuddin, G.K. YongDownload
11/06/2010PAKISTAN: HOUSING A MEGA ISSUEZaigham Mahmod RizviDownload
19/03/2010Weaknesses of Housing Affordability Indices Used by PractitionersMelanie D. Jewkes and Lucy M. DelgadilloDownload
26/06/2018Affordable Housing Investment in KenyaPalkesh Shah Download
14/04/2023Low-Cost HousingProf. A. L. Shimpi, et.alDownload
01/01/2006Mandatory Inclusionary ZoningBrian R. LermanDownload