Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
31/08/2018Indonesia’s land reform: Implications for local livelihoods and climate changeIda Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, et.alDownload
27/08/2015India Year BookRau's Ias Study CircleDownload
13/11/2021From a Mere Sleeping Place to a Birth-Right: Trajectory of Housing PerspectivesMuwaffaq Usman AdamDownload
04/02/2015An Anatomy of Gentrification Processes: Variegating Causes of Neighbourhood ChangeCody HochstenbachDownload
03/09/2014Managing Systems of Secondary CitiesBrian H. RobertsDownload
01/11/2015Dialogues of Sustainable UrbanisationJenna Condie and Anna Mary Cooper et.alDownload
14/10/2021Tackling Dhaka’s Planning Issues: Philosophical Ideologies and Planning RemediesMd. Sohel RanaDownload
15/05/2008Municipal Financing and Urban DevelopmentMona Serageldin, David Jones, François Vigier and Elda Solloso, et.alDownload
11/08/2021Overview of Contemporary Urbanization in BrazilGuilherme MottaDownload
10/06/2015Managing urban development in the pacificPaul Jones Download
22/08/2019Problematizing the global urban agendaMatthieu FloretDownload
10/12/2010Urban Governance, Management and FinanceThe State of Asian CitiesDownload
30/06/2013Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanization in Asia PacificMark Hildebrand, Trevor Kanaley and Brian Roberts Download
14/10/2010Rural and Urban DevelopmentProf. Linda CornwellDownload
21/01/2015Vietnam Land Access for Women (LAW) ProgramGina Alvarado, et.alDownload
22/07/2016State-led Gentrification in an Era of Neoliberal UrbanismLuís Mendes and André CarmoDownload
21/12/2001Cities at RiskJay MoorDownload
11/06/2011Rotterdam – A Resilient CityNeetu GodeDownload
18/03/2016Reducing Relocation Risk in Urban AreasGarima Jain. et.alDownload
10/04/2021Post-pandemic urbanism for small citiesricardo rochaDownload