Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
20/04/2022Making Norway’s Housing More Affordable and SustainableBen Conigrave and Philip HemmingsDownload
15/06/2023The roles of the state in the financialisation of housing in TurkeyÖzlem CelikDownload
13/05/2020Modern Methods of Construction A Technique in Achieving Affordable Housing in NigeriaThe World Bank Download
08/07/2023Evaluating the Effectiveness of Low-Cost Housing Methods in IndiaSathwik ChilukaDownload
23/08/2023The Effects of Low-Cost Houses on Poverty Reduction: A Case Study of Moroke Village within Fetakgomo-Tubatse Municipality in Limpopo, South AfricaN.T. Sebola and S.K. MokoenaDownload
18/05/2023Affordable Housing ProgramState Department for Housing and Urban DevelopmentDownload
City to connect and revitalising a historic urban district Newham square of ColomboUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
22/11/2021The Externality of Public Housing Projects: The Case of the Mehr Housing Project in IranSaeed Tajrishy and Mohammad VesalDownload
16/09/2024Potential of Bamboo as Green Building ElementNadiatul Balqis Mat Jaki, Noraidawati Jaffar, Adnin Syaza Jaafar , Norakmarwati Ishak , Nur’Ain Ismail , Noraini Md ZainDownload
17/08/2016Bamboo: Green Construction MaterialAditiDownload
27/05/2023London Plan GuidanceGreater London AuthorityDownload
16/07/2023A Review of Low-Cost Housing Delivery in Port Harcourt: Issues and ChallengesIpalibo WestDownload
01/08/2020Affordable Housing Processes Investigating the Housing Shortage in SwedenEmma LysholmDownload
23/11/2017Housing in Sweden: An OverviewTerner Center for Housing InnovationDownload
06/04/2022BAMBOO – A Green Construction Material For Housing Towards Sustainable Economic GrowthAmitava SilDownload
03/11/2022Bahrain Land Sector AssessmentKarim I. AbdraboDownload
01/06/2018Breaking The Mold – New Ideas for Financing Affordable HousingWorld Bank GroupDownload
12/03/2015Supply of Housing in SwedenRobert EmanuelssonDownload
13/07/2018Bamboo: A Sustainable and Low-Cost Housing Material for IndiaNaman Parikh, Akshay Modi, Dr. Mayank DesaiDownload
20/05/2020Adapting to informality: multistory housing driven by a co-productive process and the People’s Plans in Metro Manila, PhilippinesJakub GaluszkaDownload