Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
26/08/2013Financing Metropolitan Governments in Developing CountriesRoy W. Bahl, Johannes F. Linn, and Deborah L. WetzelDownload
10/03/2022Affordable Housing Finance 101Callahan Seltzer, et,alDownload
20/07/2023Post-Implementation Review of Low-income Housing Provision Policy A Qualitative Study with Executives’ PerspectiveAnita VitrianaDownload
17/03/2024Unlocking Housing Finance for People on Low Incomes to Deliver Affordable Homes at ScaleReallDownload
09/02/2021How to Finance New Forms of Affordable Housing in Eastern EuropeZsuzsanna PósfaiDownload
14/02/2024Affordable Housing Funding and Financing Recommendations ReportFred Blackwell, et.alDownload
13/03/2023From Crisis to Cataclysm: Housing Financialization and the EUEnikő Vincze and Eva Betavatzi Download
18/05/2023Affordable Housing Programmers in Developing Countries: The situation of low income Earners and Owning Houses in Burundi, Ethiopia, and South AfricaORCIDDownload
27/02/2006Evaluation of the thermal performance of the envelope of an innovative construction system for low cost buildingsJ.R. García ChávezDownload
13/02/2012Development and Promotion of Bamboo Housing Technology in East AfricaShyam PaudelDownload
17/03/2021Affordable Rental Housing Making It Part of Europe’s RecoveryKhalid Elfayoumi, el.alDownload
21/05/2021Measuring Housing Affordability Using Residual Income Method for Million-plus Cities in IndiaPrabhat Kumar Rao and Dr. Arindam BiswasDownload
19/03/2020An Analysis on Low Cost and Energy Efficient Materials for Sustainable HousingV. Nandhini , D. Ambika , V. Sampath Kumar , S. Dhinu Priya , G. Poovizhi and V. Santha Rubini Download
19/04/2024Experimental Investigation on Self Sustainable Building Material Used for Low-Cost HousingMr. Shubham Kumar Gond; Mr. Amit Chaudhari; Prof. Pravin ThoratDownload
02/09/2021Unsettled Settlements: Housing in Unstable Contexts CompressedENHRDownload
13/04/2024Bamboo As Sustainable Material For Building ConstructionG. E. Okolnikova G. T. Weldelibanos H. B. Kahsay A. G. GebrezgiabherDownload
USA’s Industrialized HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/08/2024A Research Article on “Sustainable Construction Material”Pratiksha Patil, Prof. R.S. Kedar, Prof. R.K. KakpureDownload
Understanding The Needs of India’s Informal Housing Dwellers – CopyUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
15/12/2011The French Homelessness Strategy: Reforming Temporary Accommodation, and Access to Housing to deliver ‘Housing First’: Continuum or Clean BreakNoémie HouardDownload