Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
08/04/2020Netherlands – Urban Deprivation and Territorial Stigmatisation the Perils of the Neighbourhood PolicyYosha WijngaardenDownload
22/02/2019Kenya – The Affordable Housing Program for Broader Economy Beyond the Delivery of HomesWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
29/11/2019Better Homes for All 2019 – 2024, A Housing Strategy for Wolverhampton, UKWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
16/05/2020Determining in-Lieu Fees in Inclusionary Zoning Policies in the USAAaron ShroyerDownload
20/01/2020Environmental Scan of Newcomer Affordable Housing Across CanadaChelsea Barranger, Daniel Lu, Ron Movilla, Sureka Pavalagantharajah, Zenia SultanDownload
21/12/2019Public Housing Authority Five-Year Plan 2020-2024, USAWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
14/02/2020Impact of Short-Term Rentals on Local Housing MarketsKate BellDownload
The UK’s Housing CrisisWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
19/09/2019From Suburban to Sub-Urban: Re-Envisioning the American DreamSamantha Rachel Zuber,Download
28/07/2020San Diego Report on Progress in Housing ProductionMayor KevinDownload
09/02/2014Element of the General Plan of San FranciscoSan Francisco Planning DepartmentDownload
07/08/2020Affordable Housing Development Project of BhutanAsian Development Bank (ADB)Download
14/07/2020UK: Affordable Housing in UK according to Supplementary Planning DocumentU.K governmentDownload
09/05/2019Rethinking Affordable Housing in Malaysia – Issue and ChallengesRethinking Affordable HousingDownload
03/06/2014The Design and Construction of U.S. Homes and the HouseholdsMark D. ShroderDownload
03/06/2020Affordable Housing Plan for Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, under Urban 20Abdulrahman Al sultanDownload
13/03/2013The secure future the low-income urban dwellers wantDavid Satterthwaite and Diana MitlinDownload
20/06/2019Energy Rehabilitation of Social Housing in Vulnerable AreasRua Marıa Jose , Huedo Patricia , Cabeza Manuel , Saez Beatriz , Civera VicenteDownload
31/07/2018Examining poverty trends in Sri LankaN.R Ravindra DeyshappriyaDownload
16/07/2020Housing statistics UK – 1 April 2019 – 31 March 2020Working- is in progress in ACASHDownload