Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
23/06/2021Short-Term Rentals and the Residential Housing System: Lessons from BerlinAdam CroweDownload
24/09/2014Assessing the Social and Economic Impact of Affordable Housing InvestmentFrontier Economics Ltd, LondonDownload
20/03/2007A Critical View to the Concept of Sustainable Architecture in TurkeyZeynep ArsanDownload
06/09/2017Business Management in Sustainable Buildings: Ankara-Turkey CaseNeşet Kutay Karaca and Arzuhan Burcu GültekinDownload
31/05/2014Sustainable Development of Istanbul Built EnvironmentBurak ÜnalDownload
17/11/2020Sustainability Requirements for Housing in GermanyA Rietz1 , B Kasper2 and T Rühle2Download
11/09/2023Assessment of the Land Sector in YemenUnited Nations Human Settlements ProgrammeDownload
17/04/2021A New Design Method to Impact the Development and Sustainability of Affordable HousingZoe RaderDownload
19/09/2014Factors Influencing the Readiness of the Public and Private Sectors to Implement Public-Private Partnerships in developing Affordable Housing in YemenKhaled Mohammed Ahmed Al ShareemDownload
30/04/2024Bottoming out in the German Housing MarketDr. Ulrich StephanDownload
12/09/2015Principles of Sustainable and Affordable Housing Policy for Afghan Refugees Returning to AfghanistanMohammad Saraj Sharifzai, Keisuke Kitagawa, Mohammad Kamil Halimee, Javid Habib, Daishi SakaguchiDownload
31/03/2016Social Housing Germany Experiences and current issuesThomas Knorr-SiedowDownload
11/07/2023Generic Steps for a Sustainable Reconstruction Process in TurkeyNils Larsson FRAICDownload
01/08/2022Promoting green buildings: Barriers, solutions, and policiesAzhgaliyeva, Dina; Rahut, Dil BahadurDownload
01/11/2018Research Method for the Selection of Building Materials and a Model ProposalOrkun Alptekin and Gulser CelebiDownload
13/08/2014Sustainable Living and Building Indicators in Old Ağırnas and Their Interpretations for New Practice and ResearchB. Mizrak and S. ErkenezDownload
30/07/2023Examining Housing Values for young families in Kuwait: The Case of Almutlaa CityDr. Ahmad E. Alansari, et.alDownload
28/09/2016Republic of Yemen National Report Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development – HABITAT III –KatjaDownload
06/05/2018Consumers’ Inclusion for Improving Affordable Housing Delivery in NigeriaBabatunde Femi AkinyodeDownload
07/03/2022.Sustainability Harmonization of Affordable Housing ( RMB ) Development in Johor with the Waqf Instrument Model.Fifi Anti Mapika Sari Sukamto, Hydzulkifli Hashim, Amirul Faiz OsmanDownload