Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
16/09/2023Social Infra Ventures: Lab Instrument AnalysisAmanda Lonsdale and Elena BagneraDownload
07/10/1983Housing Policy Advice to the Moroccan Government: A brief Project Review and Suggestions for Potential AssistanceJerry ErbachDownload
31/03/2023Development of Sustainable, Affordable, and Culturally Appropriate Housing Model-Stage 1Canada Mortgage and Housing CorporationDownload
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17/08/2023Affordable Design Techniques for Housing in IndiaPratik Soni , Ar. Arpita DasDownload
07/07/2023Green and Resilient Affordable Housing Sector ProjectThe Asian Development BankDownload
17/11/2023The Role of Anchor Institutions in Advancing Affordable Housing in NashvilleGabe Samuels, Karolina Ramos, and Peter A. TatianDownload
11/09/2023Resilient and Sustainable Housing Models against Climate Change: A ReviewMichelle A. Ruíz and Yazmin L. Mack-VergaraDownload
25/08/2023Does social housing actually work? Setting the record straight on the Vienna ModelAEI Housing CenterDownload
11/08/2023Identifying Design Trends in Mass Housing DevelopmentMohd Fairus, Mohd ZairulDownload
17/05/2023Green, Resilient and Inclusive Housing FinanceIFCDownload
15/07/2024National Concept for Preventing and Ending HomelessnessBratislavaDownload
22/05/2015Financing social and affordable housing in Europe: The CEB’s approachAthenosy, Lucia; Revenco, and VioricaDownload
03/01/2018Social Housing System Provided by the Third Sector: The Slovak ExperienceMaria Murray SvidronovaDownload
13/12/2019Housing Affordability in Slovakia: What Factors Affect it?Viera Labudová, and Ľubica SipkováDownload
25/05/2011Sustainability of Low-Income Housing: approaches in BangladeshMahbubur RahmanDownload
04/12/2018Measuring Ownership Housing Affordability of Middle-Income People in Dhaka CityAlfa Siddiqua GitiDownload
09/08/2022Sustainable Housing for Resilient Communities: The Challenges of AffordabilityIqbal HabibDownload
02/05/2024Assisted Community Housing Initiative in Dhaka: Rethinking role of NGOs in affordable housing developmentHalima Begum, Philip Richard Heywood, and Connie SusilawatiDownload
28/05/1994New Problems and Challenges for Housing Policy in East Germany: Lessons to Be Learned from the German CaseTimo Tanninen, Regina Bittner and Holger SchmidtDownload