Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
13/05/2022Pittsburgh Housing Innovation LabHUDDownload
14/09/2018Demystifying The Low Cost Housing Issues In MalaysiaWan Sumayyah Syahidah Wan Mohamad, et.alDownload
11/08/2021Urban growth and landslide risk in Tijuana, MexicoAldo Onel Oliva González, et.alDownload
07/08/2024The Relationship Between Housing Conditions and Social VulnerabilitiesAmer Hamad Issa AbukhalafDownload
12/12/2023Balancing Urban Development: Literature on the Nexus Between Affordable Housing and Urban SprawlAnthony Dornubari Enwin and Tamunoikuronibo Dawaye IkirikoDownload
19/02/2023Building Affordable Housing Initiatives from Institutions of Higher EducationLisa Gring-Pemble, et.alDownload
18/09/2023Making Affordable Housing a Reality in RwandaCentre for Affordable Housing Finance in AfricaDownload
17/06/2022The Affordable Housing Market in Pakistan: Trends, Challenges and OpportunitiesReallDownload
Comfort Factors in Low-Cost Houses: Case Study at Batu Pahat, Johor MalaysiaBATU PAHAT, AND JOHORDownload
14/07/2022Rural Housing: Challenges, Opportunities and SolutionsRuth McAreavey and David KemmettDownload
09/09/2023Rural Housing In India – Problems And SolutionsAshok Kumar and Dharmendra Kumar Download
01/01/1970Case Study and Analysis of a Low-Cost Housing Project in an Urban Area in IndiaP. Purusothaman and Jawalker K. Sridhar Rao Download
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Functionality and Adaptability of Coastal low Income Housing IndonesiaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
Upgrading Housing Settlement in Indonesia – Wood-based materials for constructionUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
29/09/2009Affordable Housing for the Rural Poor in LessDeveloped EconomiesDeepa.G. Nai, et.alDownload
09/12/2011Low Cost Housing EnvironmentHafazah Abdul KarimDownload
15/08/2024Green, Healthy, Affordable and Resilient Housing Competition 2024PAHP, URBAN UNIT and PCATPDownload
22/08/2024Private investment solve the affordable housing shortage through re-invention 2024Randy WytonDownload
09/03/2023Practical Strategies for Addressing Florida’s Crisis in Housing AffordabilityCrystal Taylor, et.alDownload