Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
22/11/2023Non-market housing as a solution to the housing crisisStéphan Corriveau, et.alDownload
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09/01/2023The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit: Lowering the 50% Bond Threshold to 25%Mark P. KeightleyDownload
28/05/2014Improving the Sustainability of Low-Income Housing ProjectM.A. Abdellatif and A.A.E. OthmanDownload
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20/10/2022Maldives Development Update Towards Resilient and Affordable HousingThe World Bank Download
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04/01/1991Housing Finance in JapanMiki SekoDownload
19/07/2022The Housing Finance Industry in India – The Road AheadDeepak Sood and Jyoti Prakash GadiaDownload
22/02/2018Asia-Pacific: Regional Developments in Housing FinanceZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/09/2019Evaluating the changing role, dynamics and future of urban planning – Case of PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
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17/04/2021The Complexity of Financing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Housing in the United StatesElizabeth Kneebone and Carolina K. ReidDownload
12/10/2008Housing in Maldives – Assessing The ChallengeHuman Rights Commission of the MaldivesDownload