Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
10/03/2023Maldives Integrated National Financing FrameworkMariyam Manarath Muneer, et.alDownload
13/10/2022Maldives Development UpdateThe World Bank Download
23/06/2019Housing and Household Characteristics Household Income & Expenditure Survey 2019Aishath LailaDownload
13/09/2014Housing and Housing Finance Challenges and Initiatives in OIC Member CountriesZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/10/2022Affordable Housing Models Asia SenarioZaigham M. RizviDownload
26/06/2017Asia-Pacific: Regional Developments in Housing FinanceZaigham M. RizviDownload
02/10/2017Accelerating Growth of Affordable Housing in PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
07/09/2017Asia-Pacific: Regional Developments in Housing FinanceZaigham M. RizviDownload
19/05/2007HBFC’s March Towards ModernizationZaigham M. RizviDownload
21/09/2006Expansion of HBFC’s Presence through Out-Reach Program (EOP)Zaigham M. RizviDownload
13/09/2014Housing and Housing Finance Challenges and Initiatives in OIC/IDB Member CountriesZaigham M. RizviDownload
15/09/2012Affordable Housing and Housing Finance – Issues and solutionsZaigham M. RizviDownload
18/03/2016India Diagnostic ReportGarima Jain, et.alDownload
16/04/2022Shifting financial landscapes: options for Maldives to leverage innovative financing approaches to achieve the 2030 AgendaMohamed Shahud and Khadheeja Majidha HassanDownload
12/06/2017There’s a simple reason why Indians return to the slums after they’ve been given better housingMimi KirkDownload
08/04/2021Creating Community Controlled, Deeply Affordable HousingPeter Sabonis, et.alDownload
04/03/2020Right to Housing – Fundamentals of Nepal’s ConstitutionJivesh Jha and Nil Prasad PaneruDownload
12/06/2019Adequate Housing for AllAmnesty InternationalDownload
06/05/2011City Profile of Greater MumbaiMahesh Narvekar, et.alDownload
25/06/2016Homeless Migrants in Mumbai – An Alarming ConcernManish K Jha and Pushpendra KumarDownload