Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
08/01/2020Promoting housing affordability best practices to deliver intermediate housing at scaleMargarethe TheseiraDownload
12/06/2013Prospects of Low-Cost Housing in IndiaSwaptik Chowdhury, Sangeeta RoyDownload
19/09/2018Quality of Housing in Slums of India with special emphasis on the households of slum in OdishaDr. Priyanka ChakrabortyDownload
05/02/2020Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, and on the right to non-discrimination in this context on her mission to IndonesiaMinistry of National Development Planning/NationalDownload
16/05/2018Report on housing policies & practices in the Asian RegionAsian Coalition for Housing Rights (ACHR)Download
17/01/2018Report on the state of affordable housing in Mumbai, November 2014Andrew ColemanDownload
17/01/2018Residential construction and population growth in New Zealand 1996-2016Andrew ColemanDownload
24/09/2014Residential Land Use and Housing Development in IndonesiaPindo TutukoDownload
05/02/2020Responsible devolution of affordable housingAndrea J. BoyackDownload
16/01/2019Sustainable development under belt and road initiative China-Pakistan economic corridor’s socio-economic impact on PakistanRashid MenhasDownload
27/09/2017Richmond housing & homelessness Strategy 2018 – 2023Richmond Housing & Homelessness StrategyDownload
15/01/2020Richmond regional housing frameworkMatthew DesmondDownload
15/02/2018Role of government in economic development in BangladeshBangladesh Economic ReviewDownload
17/06/2020Rural development in the 21st Century issues in PakistanZulfiqar Ahmad Gill and Khalid MustafaDownload
28/01/2020Sacramento affordable housing trust fund frameworkMayor Darrell SteinbergDownload
15/01/2020Seattle affordable middle-income housing advisory council policy recommendations to Mayor Jenny A. DurkanAda Healey, Gary Locke, Ezra Teshome, and Larry BrownDownload
13/02/2019Shared equity housingAnna CarlssonDownload
04/03/2020Shelter Afrique AGM Symposium 15 September 2020Stefan NalletamDownload
14/01/2020Significant progress made on government’s affordable housingMr. Sanjay DuttDownload