Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
14/04/2016Slum Upgrading and Housing in Latin AmericaFernanda Magalhães, Patricia Acosta Restrepo, Fernanda Lonardoni, Roberto MorisDownload
14/03/2019Local Tools to Address Housing Affordability in USA 2019Christiana K. McFarland, Kyle Funk, Rose Kim, Domenick Lasorsa, Brenna RivettDownload
11/03/2020Solutions to the Affordable Housing crisis: Perspective on PrivatizationPeter W. Salsich, JRDownload
14/04/2011Affordable Housing for the FutureAshley SnellDownload
06/02/2020Low-Income Residential Housing Delivery in NigeriaIkpeme Anthony Ankeli, Daniel Ibrahim Dabara, Omotehinshe Joseph and Odewande AdeleyeDownload
29/12/2014An Analysis of Professional Perceptions of Criteria Contributing to Sustainable Housing AffordabilityEmma Mulliner and Vida MalieneDownload
15/08/2017Improving Thermal Comfort of Low-Income Housing in Thailand through Passive Design StrategiesNafisa Bhikhoo, Arman Hashemi and Heather CruickshankDownload
12/05/2019Urban Planning Policy for Realizing Public Objectives Through Private Development in SeoulHye-jin JungDownload
18/03/2020The Affordable Housing Gap in Smart Growth Development in the U.S.Linnea M. Palmer PatonDownload
11/02/2016Sustainable Housing and Building Materials for Low-income HouseholdsBredenoord J.Download
06/03/2019Tasmania’s Affordable Housing Action Plan 2019-2023Callum Hutchinson & Meleisa HutchinsonDownload
18/02/2011Sustainability and Housing Provision in MalaysiaTeck-Hong TanDownload
06/02/2020Breaking Ground’s a Beginner Guide for Non Profit DevelopersBreaking Ground's a Beginner Guide for Non Profit DevelopersDownload
04/03/2015Confronting the Urban Housing Crisis in the Global SouthRobin King, Mariana Orloff, Terra Virsilas, and Tejas PandeDownload
22/03/2006Affordability of Housing: Concepts, Measurement and EvidenceMark Robinson, Grant M. Scobie and Brian HallinanDownload
28/09/2016Rwanda Housing Authority – Incremental Housing and Other Design Principles for Low-Cost HousingLaura Sara Wainer, Billy Ndengeingoma, Sally Murray.Download
17/06/2020Cities and Urban issues in PakistanWasim Shahid MalikDownload
12/03/2020White Paper: Inclusionary Zoning in OregonUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/09/2015Challenges of Urban Renewal and Housing in ContemporaryWooyoung LimDownload
29/05/2014Private Capital for Affordable Housing Development: Getting to ScaleDAVID ROSENDownload