Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
24/09/2014Residential Land Use and Housing Development in IndonesiaPindo TutukoDownload
05/02/2020Responsible devolution of affordable housingAndrea J. BoyackDownload
16/01/2019China-Pakistan economic corridor’s socio-economic impact on PakistanRashid MenhasDownload
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15/01/2020Richmond Regional Housing FrameworkMatthew DesmondDownload
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17/06/2020Rural Development in the 21st Century issues in PakistanZulfiqar Ahmad Gill and Khalid MustafaDownload
28/01/2020An Affordable Housing Trust Fund FrameworkMayor Darrell SteinbergDownload
15/01/2020Seattle Affordable Middle-income Housing Policy RecommendationsAda Healey, Gary Locke, Ezra Teshome, and Larry BrownDownload
13/02/2019Shared Equity HousingAnna CarlssonDownload
04/03/2020Financing Africa’s Housing NeedsStefan NalletamDownload
14/01/2020Significant Progress Made on Government’s Affordable HousingMr. Sanjay DuttDownload
19/08/2015Sky Booming Urban Slums in IndiaDr. Ch. Subha KumarDownload
06/02/2013Social development in Pakistan – Annual Review 2012-13SOCIAL POLICY AND DEVELOPMENT CENTRE KARACHIDownload
13/02/2020Socio-demography of Andalusian Urban Agglomerations at the Beginning of the 21st CenturyJesús Montosa MuñozDownload
12/02/2020Sound Transit’s office of Land use Planning & Development Transit-oriented Development Quarterly Status Report – Q1 2020Transit‐Oriented Development Quarterly Status Report – Q1 2020Download
09/06/2005Southwest Housing Traditions Design MaterialBob Vint & Christina NeumannDownload
15/12/2018Refugee Housing Challenges and Potential Policy in CanadaRaritha JoshyDownload
14/12/2018Spatial Analysis of Affordable Houses in IndiaRaritha JoshyDownload
10/05/2006Urban Policies Practices from Utrecht, the NetherlandsAnne Slob, Gideon Bolt and Ronald van KempenDownload