Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
10/03/2016Urban Poor Report 2015 Gender and Urban PovertyMinistry of Housing and Urban Poverty AlleviationDownload
09/06/1993State Policy and Urban Housing in Kenya Low Income HousingWinnie V. MitullahDownload
17/02/2016State-led Gentrification and the Changing Geography of Market-oriented Housing PoliciesCody HochstenbachDownload
15/06/2016New Urban Lease Regime in PortugalLUIS MENDES ANDRÉ CARMODownload
20/04/2020Stimulating Housing Supply Government Initiatives in EnglandWendy WilsonDownload
16/01/2020Affordable and Sustainable Housing in Nigeria’s CitiesAliyu Ibrahim Saidu and Chunho YeomDownload
05/01/2011Successful Mixing Effects of Urban Restructuring Policies in DutchGideon BoltDownload
15/04/2020Summary of Development Impact & Affordable HousingGovernment of City FremontDownload
15/05/2013Sustainable Construction in Indian – Final ReportU.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDownload
20/11/2019Sustainable Finance Framework November 2019Islamic Development BankDownload
11/03/2020Sustainable housing development project, Abaco Island, The BahamasMINISTRY OF HOUSINGDownload
08/04/2020Sustainable housing in IndonesiaE-mail: d.larasati@citg.tudelft.nlDownload
24/10/2019Sustainable Low-cost Housing in SudanZuhal Eltayeb AwadDownload
09/03/2020Tackling the Lesser Supply of Housing in EnglandWendy Wilson Cassie BartonDownload
22/07/2015The State of Asian and Pacific Cities 2015UN- HABITATDownload
28/01/2016Geography, Housing Spatial Development and PoliticsFederico SaviniDownload
16/06/2011The Case for Incremental HousingPatrick Wakely & Elizabeth RileyDownload
11/01/2012The Balance between Supply and Demand of Social Housing in Dutch CitiesKees Dol and Reinout KleinhansDownload
29/08/2018Developing Countries Perspective on Housing Affordability PakistanT. FarihaDownload
15/04/2009Sustainable Low cost Housing for the Urban Poor in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaEmaculate IngwaniDownload