Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
07/02/2017Housing Affordability in TurkeyESMA AKSOYDownload
04/04/2012Green Housing – Improving Lives in Low-cost HousingWorld Greening Building CouncilDownload
17/06/2015Investment Theme: Access to HousingMaiwase ChilongoDownload
21/06/2016Impact Investing and Community DevelopmentRonald PhillipsDownload
15/02/2017Cost Optimizing by Providing Affordable Housing for Lower Income Group (LIG)Ashish S. YeolekarDownload
22/10/2015Evolution of HUD’s Public Private PartnershipsRachelle Levitt, David Hardiman, and John RobinsonDownload
13/01/2005Crisis in American HousingDushaw Hockett, Patrick McElweeDownload
16/09/2009A Process Guide for the following National Housing Programmes in South AfricaIntegrated Residential Development Programme, The Upgrading of Informal Settlement Programme, The Rural Subsidy: Communal Land Rights ProgrammeDownload
25/09/2013Poor Quality HousingRebekah Levine Coley, Tama Leventhal, Alicia Doyle Lynch, and Melissa KulDownload
31/05/2015Issue Paper on Adequate HousingHABITAT III Issue PapersDownload
19/10/2016Evolution of Global Housing PoliciesX. Q. Zhang, and M. BallDownload
20/02/2019Developing an Affordable Housing Contribution SchemeUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
18/12/2008Green Affordable HousingDavid M. AbromowitzDownload
16/07/2013Gopalganj Housing ModelAdam Juhasz, Ashekur RahmanDownload
02/03/2011The Good, the Bad and the Ugly housing demand 2025Katie SchmueckerDownload
26/09/2012Global Housing Indicators: Evidence for ActionJonathan ReckfordDownload
25/10/2001Cost of Provisions of Low-Cost HousingDr. H. GichungeDownload
13/01/2016A Gender lens on Simple HousingGail QuetsDownload
21/06/2016Gap Analysis of Affordable Housing in Pima County, ArizonaLan ZhongDownload
10/09/2009Financing Social Housing After the Economic CrisisDavid OrrDownload