Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
22/10/2003A fuzzy Cognitive Mapping Approach for Housing Affordability Policy ModellingMarilena-Aura DinDownload
17/10/2018Enhancing Builder Financing in PakistanAli Khizar Aslam and Huma SattaDownload
17/06/2020Equitable Housing Design AdvisorSusan M. WachterDownload
05/10/2018Public Housing Crisis in Los AngelesGary PainterDownload
28/09/2016Charlotte Mecklenburg Strategies for Affordable Housing DevelopmentAshley Williams Clark, MCRPDownload
08/02/2017Extreme Housing Conditions in North CarolinaWilliam Rohe, Todd Owen and Sarah KernsDownload
06/12/2018Housing Partnership Action PlanElena Szolgayová, Michaela KauerDownload
20/09/2018Fair Housing Policy Guide, Dignified Homes for All : Best Practices to Help Government Further the Commitment to EquitableLael Robertson & Tim ThompsonDownload
13/03/2019Poverty Fact Sheet: Rental Housing AffordabilityWill MaherDownload
19/09/2013Housing the Growing Population Jeddah Economic Forum 2013Dr. Abdullah Sadiq DahlanDownload
19/07/2017Urban Resilience – The better the question. The better the answerEarnst & Young - Building a better worldDownload
04/03/2010Supporting Active Inclusion Through HousingEuropean report on the role of housing servicesDownload
24/09/2015Housing and Poverty in Southern EthiopiaBereket Regassa, Nigatu RegassaDownload
09/02/2011Housing Policy for the poor in Malaysia and IndonesiaNurbaity Aqmar Mahamud & Amilia HasbullahDownload
21/02/2018Modular Construction for Multifamily Affordable HousingAssociation of Bay Area Governments, Center for Creative Land Recycling, David Baker Architects and othersDownload
27/09/2000Risks in Affordable Housing Development: Important Factors to WatchEstelle PetersDownload
15/07/2015Access to Decent and Affordable Housing in Europe: Case Studies and Innovative SolutionsFondation Abbé PierreDownload
15/02/2012Integrated Affordable Housing Models Ideas Towards AffordabilityIntegrated Affordable Housing Models Ideas Towards AffordabilityDownload
12/11/2015Housing In Tanzania and Affordability ChallengeEng. Kwanama Elias M. (PEng. MIET)Download
26/09/2013Increasing Affordable Housing in Iowa CitySally Scott, Jerry Anthony, and Steven WilliamsDownload