Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
30/09/2005Optimising Energy For Thermal Comfort In Low Cost Housing in South AfricaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
07/10/2015Design of Low-Impact Green Housing Developments in UKUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
10/04/2016Housing Affordability and Income Inequality in USAUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
01/01/2012Innovative Affordable Housing Strategies for Vancouver in CanadaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/09/2020Low Cost Housing Project Cost Management and Performance in NigeriaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
18/07/2007Australia: Approaches to Evaluation of Affordable Housing InitiativesUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
16/10/2019Affordable Housing for Low and Middle Income Earner in KenyaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
04/03/2010Incremental Housing: Global Urban Housing Challenge in BrazilUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
11/05/2016Uganda National Housing PoliciesUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
07/04/2004National Housing Policy for KenyaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
16/05/2012Kenya: Building Materials and Technologies (ABM&Ts)Updating by ACASH is in processDownload
18/12/2013Mud Architecture in IndiaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
04/12/2017Use of Plastic Waste in Civil Constructions in IndiaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
13/05/2015Low Income Housing Residents Satisfaction of IranUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
22/07/2015Nigeria: Assessment of the Sustainability of Public HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
23/04/2014The Quality of Life in Low Cost Residential Environment in MalaysiaFaridah IsmailDownload
29/10/2014Social Partnerships Addressing Affordable Housing in AustraliaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
24/10/2017Social Benefits of Public Housing Renewal in AustraliaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
21/07/2016Prediction of Low Cost Housing DemandUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
12/06/2018Infrastructure System Planning for Affordable Housing for WorkersUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload