Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
04/03/2020The costs of affordable housing production in California and low-income housing tax creditCAROLINA REIDDownload
02/04/2020Best Practices in Slum Improvement of CasablancaAnne BaverelDownload
17/01/2017Gentrification and the suburbanization of povertyCody HochstenbachDownload
12/01/2018Housing accessibility and affordability in VancouverJody Wilson-Raybould.Download
04/03/2020Critiquing the International Housing Affordability SurveyTodd LitmanDownload
20/06/2019Consolidated Plan and Action Plan 2018‐2019 of Somerville, Massachusetts, USAJoseph A. CurtatoneDownload
20/11/2019Building Materials trends in 2020 and outlooks in North America, South America, Asia-Pacific, EuropeRenato Panichi, Thomas Nadramia, Pascal Seguier, Alexandre Michel, Danny Huang.Download
04/03/2020Analyzing Egypt’s Affordable Housing Programs And ProjectsAshraf Aboloyoun Abdel Raheem, Usama Helmy Mohamed, Omnia Nagy Abdel HafezDownload
27/01/2020Affordable Housing, Disasters, And Social Equity in AmericaAditi Mehta, Mark Brennan, Justin SteilDownload
16/12/2017POLICY FOR PROMOTION OF LOW-COST HOUSING FINANCE IN PAKISTANState Bank of Pakistan | Infrastructure Housing & SME Finance DepartmentDownload
07/07/2017INVESTING IN AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN CANADASteven Petterson, McKenzie Rainey, Bruno Lam and Dr. James TanseyDownload
27/06/2017INDIA – MAKING MORTGAGE FINANCE WORKWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
26/08/2000PAKISTAN – MAKING MORTGAGE FINANCEMuhammad EjazDownload
07/06/2017MAKING MORTGAGE FINANCE WORKJose ShabotDownload
03/09/2015HOUSING POLICIES FOR EMERGING ASIAMatthias HelbleDownload
07/07/2014CHILE SELECTED ISSUES PAPERWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
28/12/2019The London Plan of Greater London Authority, 2019Working- is in progress in ACASHDownload
20/11/2019Affordable housing in Los AngelesJonathan Woetze, Tim Ward, Shannon Peloquin, Steve Kling, Sucheta Arora.Download
24/06/2019Affordable Housing Action Plan for People of MorelandWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload
23/10/2019Nairobi’s Holistic Solutions for Affordable Housing CrisisWorking- is in progress in ACASHDownload