Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
Quality Housing in Affordable Price for Malaysian Low Income in MalaysiaWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Policies to Promote Access to Good Quality Affordable Housing in OECD CountriesWorking is in progress in ACASHDownload
Estimating Unmet Housing Demand and Priority Areas for Public and Affordable HousingDownload
Demystifying the Affordable Housing Issue in MalaysiaDownload
USA: Audit of Seattle’s Incentive Zoning for Affordable HousingDownload
Corporate Affordable Housing Strategy in CanadaDownload
Jobs, Transportation, and Affordable Housing in VirginiaDownload
USA: Affordable Housing Update 2016 in in Washington stateDownload
Canada: Municipal Measures for Housing Affordability and Diversity in Metro VancouverDownload
Building Affordable Housing in Cities after Abandonment in USADownload
Bouncing Back Five Year Housing Plan 2014-2018 of USADownload
Housing Goals, Objectives, Policies and Programs in USADownload
USA: The Cost Effectiveness of Alternative Methods of Delivering Housing SubsidiesDownload
Analyzing Measurements of Housing AffordabilityDownload
California Affordable Housing Cost StudyDownload
Australia: Innovative Financing Models to Improve the Supply of Affordable HousingDownload
A Blueprint for Creating Affordable Housing for DC’s Lowest-Income Residents in AmericaDownload
26/10/2017Housing Affordability in Metropolitan AreasGrazia NapoliDownload
05/01/2017Building Our Homes, Communities and FutureLGA HOUSING COMMISSION FINAL REPORTDownload
29/08/2018USA: Building Safe and Affordable Housing King’s CountyBuilding Safe and Affordable Housing – Kings CountyDownload