Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
04/06/2018Affordable Housing Digby County CanadaBuilding Safe and Affordable Housing – Digby CountyDownload
07/02/2017UK: Planning and Affordable Housing for Build to RentDepartment for Communities and Local GovernmentDownload
10/03/2016USA: Affordable Rental Housing Development in the For-Profit SectorRachel G. BrattDownload
09/06/2016Canada: Implementing the Open Door Affordable Housing ProgramCity ManagerDownload
13/08/2009An Affordable Housing Action Plan 2010 ­ 2020Adopted by Toronto City CouncilDownload
09/04/2013Affordable Housing in Urban Areas in GhanaSAMSON ABAPALE AWUVAFOGEDownload
05/05/2009Planning for Affordable Housing in the Twin Cities MetroTom Bydalek, S. Rose Carr and othersDownload
29/09/2014South Africa: Alternative Construction Methods for Low Cost HousingJustin HaselauDownload
27/07/2017Towards A New Housing Strategy – An Act Community ConversationMinistry for Housing and Suburban Development, AustraliaDownload
01/03/2012Developing Sustainable Affordable Housing in AustraliaIlan Wiesel, Gethin Davison and otherDownload
27/09/2011A New Lens on Housing Affordability and Market Behaviour AustraliaTerry Burke, Michael Stone and Liss RalstonDownload
22/05/2017Affordable Housing Discussion Paper of AustraliaDiscussion paper - City of ParramattaDownload
New Zealand Affordable Housing DilemmaPWCDownload
Innovative Financing of Affordable HousingKenneth Gibb, Duncan Maclennan and Mark StephensDownload
Innovative approaches to deliver affordable housing options in AsiaUN-Habitat and IUTCDownload
Affordable Housing and Homelessness in Sonoma CountySonoma County League of Women Voters ReportDownload
USA: Affordable Housing and Zoning TechniquesPrepared by WendelDownload
UK: Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document North East Derbyshire District CouncilNorth East Derbyshire Development Framework (LDF)Download
Canada: Affordable Housing in Rural OntarioAmanda SlaunwhiteDownload
United Kingdom: Independent Affordable Housing Supply ReviewChartered Institute of Housing, CymruDownload