Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
20/01/2015Research on Cost Control of Construction Project Based on the Theory of Lean Construction and BIM: Case StudyYe WenDownload
12/06/2016Affordable Housing in NigeriaInclusive Business Action NetworkDownload
12/11/2013Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning DocumentWaverly Court, PortisheadDownload
14/06/20172017 Housing Affordability Response Team (HART) RecommendationsLance FreemanDownload
21/03/2014Affordable Housing in Rwanda: Opportunities, Options, and Challenges: Some Perspectives from the International ExperienceEugene E. EzebiloDownload
12/05/2016Getting Serious About Affordable HousingMarc LeeDownload
18/08/2017Evaluation of Affordable Housing Program in Papua New Guinea: A Case of Port MoresbyEugene E. EzebiloDownload
02/05/2016Shaping the Future of Construction A Breakthrough in Mindset and TechnologyWorld Economic ForumDownload
18/06/2015Benefits and Costs of Research: A Case Study of Construction Systems Integration and Automation Technologies in Commercial BuildingsRobert E. ChapmanDownload
15/07/2023Affordable Housing Development in the Nonprofit Sector: A Case Study of Rolland Curtis GardensJanette Alejandra Herrera Download
16/03/2023How the FHFA Can Increase Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing InvestmentsMichael StegmanDownload
08/11/2020Cumberland Affordable Housing StrategyCumberland City CouncilDownload
16/09/2024Opportunities and Challenges in Affordable Housing in NepalAr. Kishore ThapaDownload
11/03/2017Exploring the Potential of the Land Readjustment Approach in Allocating Land for Affordable Housing from the Market Legitimacy PerspectiveReshma Shrestha, Jaap Zevenbergen, Fahria Masum and Mahesh BanskotaDownload
28/01/2016Comparative analysis of MCDM methods for the assessment of sustainable housing affordabilityEmma Mulliner, Naglis Malys and Vida MalieneDownload
29/10/2014Social Housing in Albania: A Situation AnalysisMarsela DautiDownload
20/09/2019Social Housing Design and Construction in Albania: A Review of the Existing Norms and Proposed GuidelinesGjergji IslamiDownload
24/01/2019Urban Land Management Policy For The Central And Local government In AlbaniaGjergi Thomai and Daniel Guralumi Download
04/10/2023Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land ManagementTalaibek MakeevDownload
03/01/2018Building Partnerships for Social Housing: Growing Housing Needs and Effective Solutions for Albanian CitiesSasha TsenkovaDownload