Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
25/08/2020An Investigation into Application of Dry Construction Technique in Providing Low-cost Housing for NigeriansAdegbenga Raphael Ashiru and Kamaldeen Jide AnifowoseDownload
07/07/2021Recycled Plastic for Construction: A Cost Effective SolutionKanchan Yadav, Namrata Thyagaraj and Rashmi Ranjan MohantyDownload
01/03/2008Integrated Urban Renewal in The NetherlandsSako Musterd and Wim OstendorfDownload
31/05/2023Indonesia Green Affordable Housing ProgramHerry Trisaputra ZunaDownload
05/08/2021Shelter Homes and Elderly Women: A Case Study of Varanasi district of Uttar PradeshDebanjana NagDownload
22/04/2016National Report of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Housing and Sustainable CIty DevelopmentHABITAT IIIDownload
03/10/2017Accelerating Growth of Affordable Housing in PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
05/10/2020Urbanization: A Rapidly Emerging Development Issue for Lao PDRUN-Habitat Lao PDRDownload
11/12/2023Housing Deposit in KoreaSeoul Law GroupDownload
05/05/2016People’s room for manoeuvre in a fragmented city: State housing in Kibera, NairobiUN-HabitatDownload
16/06/2017Functional-Dysfunction: Mumbai’s Political Economy of Rent SharingShahana Chattaraj and Michael WaltonDownload
22/07/2021Reducing Embodied Carbon in BuildingsRebecca Esau, et.alDownload
02/11/2003Environmental Correlates of Walking and Cycling: Findings From the Transportation, Urban Design, and Planning LiteraturesBrian E. Saelens, et.alDownload
09/10/1978Building Affordable HomesNAHB Research Foundation, Inc.Download
18/09/2020Micro Housing: No Contribution to Affordable Housing – a Berlin Case StudySimon Hein and Johannes NießenDownload
05/01/2017Coping with the Threat of Evictions: Commercialisation of Slum Development, Marginalisation of NGOs and Local Power Play in AhmedabadYutaka SatoDownload
12/06/2009Community Violence: A meta-analysis on the Effect of Exposure and Mental Health Outcomes of Children and AdolescentsP. J. Fowler, et.alDownload
08/10/2009Comments on Nijman’s ‘A Study of Space in Mumbai’s Slums’Kavita PanditDownload
13/03/2021Effect of Rising Cost of Building Materials on Property Development in Bariga Lagos State, Nigeria Abdulakeem O. Otunola, et.alDownload
05/09/2007Ecosystem Service Supply and Vulnerability to Global Change in EuropeDagmar Schröter, et alDownload