Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
23/01/2008Changes in Zoning to Encourage Affordable HousingStephanie WardenDownload
21/05/1997How Rent Control Drives Out Affordable HousingWilliam TuckerDownload
05/03/2020Low-Income Housing Strategies in Pakistan with Focus on Urban HousingMuhammad Ali TirmiziDownload
20/02/2020Organizational Capital: A New Approach to Lending in Nonprofit Affordable HousingRose Lindsay FinkenstaedtDownload
29/03/2016Paris Action Plan for Inclusive Growth in CitiesOECDDownload
19/12/2016Key Characteristics of Housing AllowancesOECD - Social Policy DivisionDownload
05/04/2017Low-Income Housing in Santa Rosa, PhilippinesMartin Schoch, Ph.D.Download
10/03/2010How Can the Planning System Deliver More HousingGemma Burgess, Sarah Monk and Christine WhiteheadDownload
29/08/2018A Case Study of Housing Development in a Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) ProgramBarbara DiPietroDownload
07/03/2019Policy for Low Cost Housing Finance in PakistanGhulam Muhammad)Download
28/08/2013Affordable Housing and Inequality in Rural BritainMark ShucksmithDownload
27/07/2016Policy Paper 10: Housing PoliciesPreparatory Committee for the United Nations ConferenceDownload
22/07/2015Policy, Planning and Financing Options for Affordable Housing in MelbourneAlexander Sheko, Dr Andrew Martel, Andrew SpencerDownload
17/04/2013Links Between Housing and PovertyRebecca Tunstall, Mark Bevan and othersDownload
21/09/2017Public Private Partnerships for Affordable Housing in IndiaUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
06/04/2017Social Housing Concept of Czech Republic 2015 – 2025Czech ParliamentDownload
21/12/2007Encouraging Private Sector Engagement in Affordable HousingMelissa WitwerDownload
22/05/2013Re-thinking the Urban Form of Social Housing in Brazil: A Search for Urban SustainabilityLis Moreira CavalcanteDownload
27/02/2019An Introduction to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Updated February 27, 2019Mark P. KeightleyDownload
10/04/2014An Examination of Rural Housing Development Programs, Issues and StrategiesHeather Strohm, Tanya Hall, Bo Beaulieu, Melinda GrismerDownload