Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
23/07/2014Structural Component Defects of Low Cost HousingStructural Component Defects of Low Cost HousingDownload
05/04/2012Mass Housing in Nigeria, Customize the Brief: Provide a Desired HouseAdedayo Olatunde FolaranmiDownload
01/01/2016The Answer to Affordable Housing Problem – Mandatory Inclusionary ZoningBrian R. LermanDownload
26/02/2014Managing Malaysian Low-cost Houses for Sustainable AdaptationAhmad Ezanee Hashim, Siti Aida Samikon, Faridah Ismail, Zulhabri IsmailDownload
14/03/2018Economic Cases for Housing PoliciesDuncan Maclennan, Laura Crommelin, Ryan van den Nouwelan, Bill RandolphDownload
08/05/2007Making the Case for Affordable Housing with Health and EducationElizabeth J. Mueller, J. Rosie TighDownload
03/07/2013Housing Delivery System, Need and DemandOlusola Oladapo MakindeDownload
09/02/2016California Has a Serious Housing ShortageMac TaylorDownload
22/10/2018Low-cost housing: Audacity of HopeJawaid Bokhari |Download
16/06/2004Low-Income Communities in BangladeshSyed H. LotonDownload
26/10/2017Local implementation of the SDGs & New Urban AgendaElin Andersdotter FabreDownload
09/05/2018The Links Between Affordable Housing and Economic MobilityCarolina K. ReidDownload
20/12/2017An Equilibrium Analysis of Low-income Property DevelopmentRebecca Diamond and Tim McQuadeDownload
16/06/2020Innovative Ideas for Revitalizing the LIHTC MarketBoard of GovernorsDownload
18/10/2017A Scan of Leading Practices in Affordable HousingUpdating by ACASH is in processDownload
21/07/2020Successful Community Development – Five Principles for Launching an InitiativeLaura MartinDownload
09/09/2009Low-Cost Construction Technologies and MaterialsKuchena Jabulani Charles, Usiri PaulDownload
20/04/2022Housing for all in India by 2022 – KPMG ReportKPMG in IndiaDownload
27/09/2006Land Use Planning and Affordable HousingDaryl KreuzerDownload
05/02/2020Population Growth and Housing Affordability in the Modern CityAngelo KarantonisDownload