Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
12/12/2018An exploration of concepts and polices on ‘affordable housing’ in England, Italy, Poland and The NetherlandsCzischke Ljubetic, Darinka; van Bortel, GerardDownload
24/08/2023Roadmap for Increased Adoption of Modern Methods of Construction in Public Housing DeliveryAn Roinn Tithiochta Rialtais Aitinil Agus Oidhreachta Download
11/09/2023Resilient and Sustainable Housing Models against Climate Change: A ReviewMichelle A. Ruíz and Yazmin L. Mack-VergaraDownload
03/01/2018Social Housing System Provided by the Third Sector: The Slovak ExperienceMaria Murray SvidronovaDownload
09/10/2017Utilizing Social Housing during the Post-2009 Crisis: Problems and Constraints in the Case of GreeceDimitris EmmanuelDownload
01/05/2017Homelessness Policies in Crisis Greece: The Case of the Housing and Reintegration ProgramNikos KourachanisDownload
29/06/2021A Comparative Analysis of Thermal Performance, Annual Energy Use, and Life Cycle Costs of Low-cost Houses Made with Mud Bricks and Earthbag Wall Systems in Sub-Saharan AfricaRacheal Wesonga, et.alDownload
15/09/2022The Concept of Hybrid Construction Technology: State of the Art and Future ProspectsAbderrahim Belabid, Hassan Elminor and Hajar AkhzouzDownload
29/12/2023Comparing Sustainability and Affordability: A Study of Prefabricated Versus Conventional Construction for Housing of Economically Weaker SectionsKarandeep SinghDownload
20/07/2022Concomitant Impediments to the Social Acceptance of Sandbag Technology for Sustainable and Affordable Housing DeliveryJohnson Adetooto and Abimbola WindapoDownload
13/10/2023Building Green: Sustainable Construction in Emerging Markets IFCDownload
03/03/2015Affordable Housing: An Academic Perspective on Policy and Practice in IndiaKalpana Gopalan and Madalasa VenkataramanDownload
14/09/2018Demystifying The Low Cost Housing Issues In MalaysiaWan Sumayyah Syahidah Wan Mohamad, et.alDownload
21/06/2019Low-Cost Housing for Lig Case StudyLokesh Pophaliya and Manish MataDownload
11/09/2020Demographics and the Housing Market in JapanYuko HashimotoDownload
05/09/2011Rental Housing in Informal SettlementsDarshini Mahadevia and Trishna GogoiDownload
13/05/2016Socio-Economic Conditions of Slum DwellersBrijendra Nath SinghDownload
04/02/2015An Anatomy of Gentrification ProcessesCody HochstenbachDownload
14/03/2019Lifestyle of the Nomadic River Gypsies and their Threat NarrativeMohammad Sujoun Lasker, et.alDownload
05/03/2021Quality Affordable Housing ConceptAdel El-Menshawy and Amr SharabyDownload