Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
28/01/2003National Poverty Reduction Strategy 2003-2005Council for Social Development (CSD)Download
15/03/2012Cambodia Urban Sector Assessment, Strategy, and Road MapAsian Development BankDownload
06/07/2017Urban Development in Phnom PenhWorld Bank GroupDownload
28/06/2023Study of the Impact of Housing Affordability on the Fertility Rate in Bulgaria (2014-2021): A Regional AspectNikolay Stoenchev and Yana HrischevaDownload
21/02/2020Housing Initiatives- Bulgarian ExperienceMs Denitsa NikolovaDownload
23/07/2022Delivery of Affordable Housing Build to Rent Homes in BristolBristol City CouncilDownload
12/09/2023Affordable Housing Strategy September 2023Bass Coast Shire CouncilDownload
13/06/2023Delivery of First Homes in BristolBristol City CouncilDownload
11/07/2022Affordable Housing Practice Note Updated June 2023Bristol City CouncilDownload
08/07/2024Housing PolicyHal PawsonDownload
15/09/2022Value ‘stripping’: Affordable housing, institutional investment, and the political economy of municipal debtAretousa BloomDownload
16/02/2023Affordable Housing in Washington stateMark HarmsworthDownload
21/07/2023Advancing Local Housing Affordability July 2023Kevin ShrawderDownload
29/08/2023Pandemic Housing Policies: Mitigation Strategies and Protection of RightsValesca LimaDownload
14/10/2022Municipal Housing Policies: A Key Factor for Successful Integration at the Local LevelSnezhina GabovaDownload
15/06/2021Marginalized Communities Housing and Living Condition Diagnostic: Northwestern BulgariaNoriko Oe, Debashree Poddar, and Zoe Elena TrohanisDownload
27/01/2022Housing affordability among older adults in the NetherlandsThomas RozendalDownload
24/08/2023Roadmap for Increased Adoption of Modern Methods of Construction in Public Housing DeliveryAn Roinn Tithiochta Rialtais Aitinil Agus Oidhreachta Download
16/08/2023Advanced Modular Housing Design: Developing the COR+Jeff Carney, Ravi Srinivasan, Stephen Bender, Bill O’Dell, Ryan Sharston, Abdol Chini, Forough Foroutan,Download
07/10/1983Housing Policy Advice to the Moroccan Government: A brief Project Review and Suggestions for Potential AssistanceJerry ErbachDownload