Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
27/05/2010Improvement of Low-Cost Housing in Fiji to Withstand Hurricanes and EarthquakesINTERTECTDownload
11/04/2011Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing: A Guide to Developing and Implementing Greenhouse Gas Reduction ProgramsU.S Environmental Protection AgencyDownload
21/06/2017Delivering low-income housing in RwandaRobert Buckley, Sally MurrayDownload
01/07/2024Challenges Towards the Provision of Affordable Housing for Low-Income Earners. Case Study of Batsinda II Affordable Housing Project Kigali City, RwandaBuheta Iradukunda OseeDownload
29/06/2019Regulatory Planning and Affordable Housing in Kigali City: Policies, Challenges and ProspectsFred Nkubito, and Andrew Baiden-AmissahDownload
22/02/2020Housing Solutions for Low-Income Urban Communities in RwandaWorld Bank GroupDownload
20/03/2019Decent and Affordable Housing in Rwanda: Financing Options for Sustainable Development Emmanuel MunyemanaDownload
30/06/2024Analyzing the Impact of the Government’s Affordable Housing Schemes on Housing Affordability in Rwanda and Targeted HouseholdsCallixte DushimiyimanaDownload
02/04/2008Provision of affordable housing in Europe, North America and Central Asia: Policies and PracticesDr Sasha TsenkovaDownload
05/12/2011Implementation Challenges and Opportunities in Housing Policy and Practice in the UNECE RegionDr Sasha TsenkovaDownload
05/09/2019National strategies to fight homelessness and housing exclusion EstoniaMärt Masso and Merilen LaurimäeDownload
15/03/2004Access to Housing for Vulnerable Groups in EstoniaAnneli Kährik, Ene-Margit Tiit, Jüri Kõre and Sampo RuoppilaDownload
13/07/2000The Evolution of Low-Income Housing Policy, 1949 to 1999Charles J. OrlebekeDownload
04/02/2020Housing Toolbox Polk County, WisconsinsbadtkeDownload
07/03/2023Tackling Housing Concerns at the State-Level: Lessons From Family Impact SeminarsNayantara Nair, Lauren Bellamy, Robert Duncan, Richard A. Settersten, Heidi Normandin and Shelley MacDermid WadsworthDownload
17/08/2018The Cost of Living: Milwaukee County’s Rental Housing Trends and ChallengesYaidi Cancel Martinez, et.alDownload
29/04/2019The Altoona Housing Action PlanCity of Altoona Download
20/03/2024HOME Rental Housing Development (RHD) Program GuideSorensen, MatthewDownload
19/03/2004Housing Objectives and Policies Green Bay Smart Growth 2022Mac Station Download
20/04/2023A Place to Live in Dignity for All: Making Housing AffordableUnited NationsDownload