Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
19/10/2017Standard of Living in Urban SlumsSugata Bag and Suman SethDownload
01/03/2022An Integrated Approach to Address the Ontario Housing CrisisAssociation of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)Download
15/06/2023Housing Affordability: Philanthropic Solutions for Santa Barbara CountyStephen Hicks and Jackie CarreraDownload
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19/01/2023100% Affordable Housing: Technical Advice Note 2Rother District CouncilDownload
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19/09/2013Redevelopment, Subjectivity, and Difference in Mumbai’s Slum FrontierSapana DoshiDownload
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13/12/2016An Examination of Rural Housing Development Programs, Issues and StrategiesHeather Strohm, et.alDownload
22/02/2023Innovations in stock matching and allocations: the social housing challengeIris Levin, et.alDownload
29/09/2009Affordable Housing for the Rural Poor in LessDeveloped EconomiesDeepa.G. Nai, et.alDownload
20/02/2023Building Regulations Assessment in Terms of Affordability Values. Towards Sustainable Housing Supplying in PalestineMohammed Itma and Wasim SalamaDownload
23/02/2024United States Housing Act of 1937As Amended Through P.L.Download
14/07/2022Colorado’s Affordable Housing CrisisAubrey Wilde and Andrew WestDownload
27/08/2023Policy-based initiatives on promoting China’s affordable housingGuoqiang Zhang, et.alDownload
09/03/2023Practical Strategies for Addressing Florida’s Crisis in Housing AffordabilityCrystal Taylor, et.alDownload
23/06/2024A Development Plan for Karachi 2047Arif HasanDownload
05/06/2024Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24Imtiaz Ahmad, et.alDownload