Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
14/12/2023Solving London’s housing crisisJon Tabbush, Millie Mitchell, Josh Cottell and Claire Harding Download
20/07/2023The Housing Crisis Response Act of 2023Maxine WatersDownload
10/03/2023Tackling Housing Concerns at the State-LevelNayantara Nair, et.alDownload
12/02/2023Jacksonville’s Affordable Rental Housing CrisisDavid JaffeeDownload
14/09/2023Rethinking the Housing CrisisLeonard Gibbs, Wei Zheng and Cecilia WongDownload
05/09/2011Rental Housing in Informal SettlementsDarshini Mahadevia and Trishna GogoiDownload
15/06/2013Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in Delhi: 1947-2010Gautam BhanDownload
10/06/2010Housing Real Estate Sector in Bangladesh Present Status and Policies ImplicationsSuborna Barua, et.alDownload
18/10/2023The Global Housing Affordability CrisisAlbert SaizDownload
10/06/2022Promoting Affordable Housing in African CitiesKecia Rust, et.alDownload
05/03/2021Quality Affordable Housing ConceptAdel El-Menshawy and Amr SharabyDownload
16/06/2023Private Sector Involvement in Social and Affordable HousingRichard Benedict, et.alDownload
09/03/2022Social Housing For All: A Vision for Thriving Communities, Renter Power, and Racial Justice Amee Chew, et.alDownload
16/11/2023Unravelling a crisis: The State of Rural Affordable Housing in EnglandThe Countryside CharityDownload
12/02/2022Pittsburgh’s Affordable Housing Crisis: Is Privatization the SolutionDaniel McClymonds, et.alDownload
22/08/2022Sustainable Low‑cost Housing and Application of Textile Reinforced ConcreteSophia Immanuel and K. BaskarDownload
11/02/2020Mixed-income Housing DevelopmentFarida Rachmawatia and Connie SusilawatiDownload
09/10/2021Public Housing Design GuidanceMinistry of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDownload
20/01/2023Low Cost HousingPranav Dutta Download
10/06/2022Local Affordable Housing Plan ToolkitSA Housing Authority Download