Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
30/04/2021National Strategy for Sustainable ConstructionMinistry of the Interior and HousingDownload
04/08/2017Case Study of Health and Climate Risks in Informal Settlements in MumbaiMamta PatwardhanDownload
20/06/2008Minority Ethnic Groups on the Dutch Housing MarketGideon Bolt, et.alDownload
12/03/2016How to attract more landlords to the housing choice voucher programDavid P. Varady, et.alDownload
05/05/2011Housing in the Urban Age: Inequality and Aspiration in MumbaiNikhil Anand and Anne RademacherDownload
01/03/2010Urban Housing Livable, Loveable and Affordable Anupam SunilDownload
22/07/2024Thinking Urbanization from the Ground: Innovations in governance, policy, and placemaking in the Global South.Dr Antony Boanada-Fuchs, et.alDownload
31/08/2020Affordable housing in Ghana: Market shaping indicatorsDavid Chiwetu, et.alDownload
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12/05/2021The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021United NationsDownload
09/04/2021Charting a new course for affordable housing in Nova ScotiaRen Thomas, et.alDownload
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25/08/2020An Investigation into Application of Dry Construction Technique in Providing Low-cost Housing for NigeriansAdegbenga Raphael Ashiru and Kamaldeen Jide AnifowoseDownload
15/09/2012Affordable Housing and Housing Finance – Issues and solutionsZaigham M. RizviDownload
03/10/2012Directions for Affordable Housing Policy in IndonesiaZaigham M. RizviDownload
04/07/2018National Affordable Housing PolicyZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/10/2022Affordable Housing Models Asian Scenario at Global Housing FoundationZaigham M. RizviDownload
10/07/2008Evaluation of the Mental Health Continuum–Short Form (MHC– SF) in Setswana-Speaking South AfricansCorey L. M. Keyes, et.alDownload
22/07/2021Reducing Embodied Carbon in BuildingsRebecca Esau, et.alDownload
17/11/2012Envisioning the Future of Mumbai/Bombay. Strategic planning as tool for inclusion or for further centralisation?Gloria Pessina and Alokeparana Download