Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
16/06/2021Developing A Model For Bridging the Gap Between Sustainable Housing and Affordable Housing (Low-Cost) in the Ghanaian Housing MarketMichael Atafo AdabreDownload
04/08/2004A review and evaluation of intraurban air pollution exposure modelsMichael Jerrett, et.alDownload
10/07/2018Housing Finance: Investment Opportunities for Pension FundsThe World Bank GroupDownload
09/11/2009The Hindered Self-Help: Housing Policies, Politics and Poverty in Kolkata, IndiaUrmi SenguptaDownload
15/06/2013Housing and the ‘Failure’ of Planning in Delhi: 1947-2010Gautam BhanDownload
16/06/2021Initiation of Housing Micro Finance in PakistanMuhammad Salman, Fariha Tariq and Minahil NawazDownload
10/12/2019Policy Framework and Institutional ArrangementsSana Malik, et.alDownload
26/09/2023The Public Housing Paradox in SingaporeCalvin ChuaDownload
13/03/2014Housing Sector of UzbekistanMinistry of Housing Economy of the Republic of UzbekistanDownload
23/03/2007Housing Finance Development in UzbekistanWorld Bank Download
16/05/2008A framework for addressing urban challenges in AfricaAnna K. Tibaijuka and Abdoulie JannehDownload
17/01/2021Housing Policy for Low-Income Communities in Indonesia and Its ReformsAhmad Sururi, Budiman Rusli, Ida Widianingsih and Slamet Usman IsmantoDownload
10/07/1994Some Aspects of Land Administration in IndonesiaSutanu BehhuriaDownload
15/05/2009Nizamuddin Urban Renewal InitiativeMrs. Usha Sharma, et.alDownload
10/01/2023Global Economic Prospects – January 2023The World Bank Download
22/09/2012Sustainable Urbanization in Asia Minoli Peiris, et.alDownload
09/08/2010Urban Challenges in South-East AsiaDr. Yap Kioe ShengDownload
24/01/2021Creative Cultural Cluster: Concept for Sustainable Development Of Old City CoreAjinkya KanitkarDownload
04/02/2021Urban Green Growth and Importance to Cities in AsiaVishanthini Kanasan, and Mohd Sayuti HassanDownload
16/11/2011Urban Policies and the Right to the City in IndiaMarie–Hélène Zérah, Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, Véronique Dupont, and Basudeb ChaudhuriDownload