Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
18/10/2023The Global Housing Affordability CrisisAlbert SaizDownload
10/06/2022Promoting Affordable Housing in African CitiesKecia Rust, et.alDownload
05/03/2021Quality Affordable Housing ConceptAdel El-Menshawy and Amr SharabyDownload
16/06/2023Private Sector Involvement in Social and Affordable HousingRichard Benedict, et.alDownload
12/02/2022Pittsburgh’s Affordable Housing Crisis: Is Privatization the SolutionDaniel McClymonds, et.alDownload
22/08/2022Sustainable Low‑cost Housing and Application of Textile Reinforced ConcreteSophia Immanuel and K. BaskarDownload
09/10/2021Public Housing Design GuidanceMinistry of Housing and Urban DevelopmentDownload
20/01/2023Low Cost HousingPranav Dutta Download
10/06/2022Local Affordable Housing Plan ToolkitSA Housing Authority Download
20/02/2023Building Regulations Assessment in Terms of Affordability Values. Towards Sustainable Housing Supplying in PalestineMohammed Itma and Wasim SalamaDownload
12/11/2022Building for 2050 Low cost, Low Carbon HomesBEISDownload
01/02/2022New Centralized Affordable Housing Access SystemAbigail Bond, et.alDownload
10/06/2022Affordable Housing Development ProcessGovernment of Nova ScotiaDownload
14/12/2023The Risks of Private Sector Investment in Affordable Housing DevelopmentChioma Okoro, et.alDownload
07/07/2023U.S. Housing Supply: Recent Trends and Policy ConsiderationsLida R. WeinstockDownload
10/03/2023A Blueprint to tackle Queensland’s Housing CrisisHal Pawson, et.alDownload
09/02/2023Nova Scotia’s Provincial Housing Needs Assessment ReportTurner Drake & Partners LtdDownload
03/03/2023A Shortage of Affordable Homes 2023Andrew Aurand, et.alDownload
05/04/2023Affordable Housing Developer ToolkitHomeSeeker SADownload
10/07/2020Sweden’s Public Housing and Rent Control StrategyRyan Fox and Jason SyvixayDownload