Publish DateTitleAuthorDocument
01/06/2023Public-Private Partnerships for Investment and Delivery of Affordable HousingYan ZhangDownload
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12/07/2012A Comprehensive Study on the Real Estate Sector of BangladeshReal Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB)Download
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19/07/2022The Housing Finance Industry in India – The Road AheadDeepak Sood and Jyoti Prakash GadiaDownload
12/08/2016Low-Income Housing Overview of Issues and AnswersZaigham M. RizviDownload
13/08/2017Asia-Pacific: Housing Scenario and Need for ACASHZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/03/2014Promoting Social Protection Through Empowered CommunitiesZaigham M. RizviDownload
24/09/2019Evaluating the changing role, dynamics and future of urban planning – Case of PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload
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29/05/2015Modular Habitation Design and Architecture as Service Approaches to Sustainability Global Case StudiesDownload
26/06/2017Asia-Pacific: Regional Developments in Housing FinanceZaigham M. RizviDownload
02/10/2017Accelerating Growth of Affordable Housing in PakistanZaigham M. RizviDownload