Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Fiji – Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework

The proposed Transport Infrastructure Investment Sector Project (TIISP; the project) will be financed under the joint Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB) loan with counterpart funding from the Government of Fiji. The Project supports the Government of Fiji’s (GOF) Roadmap for Democracy and Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, which emphasizes the lack of transport as a constraint for Fiji’s economic and social development. It also responds to the requirements of the new 2013 Constitution of Fiji, which states that: “The state must take reasonable measures within its available resources to achieve the progressive realization of the right of every person to have reasonable access to transportation.” (34(1)). As approximately 55% (412,425)1 of Fiji’s population lives in the rural areas, and approximately 44% of rural people live in poverty, improving service delivery and income opportunities for the rural population is a key priority. The impact of the Project will be improved access to markets, employment opportunities and social services. The outcome will be safer, efficient, resilient land and maritime transport infrastructure in the project area. There are two main outputs: (a) rehabilitated and climate resilient land and maritime transport infrastructure, and (b) efficient project management support and institutional strengthening. This relates to improving the capacity of Fiji transport agencies and related departments to manage bridge, roads, and jetty assets; also to provide greater levels of accountability and transparency in safeguards, in particular, land acquisition and resettlement processes.

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