Fiji has one of the most developed economies in the Pacific, with tourism as its main driver. In 2017, 842,884 visitors came to Fiji, mostly from Australia and New Zealand. The country has also seen a shift in exports from agricultural commodities to manufactured goods. Although Fiji has enjoyed sustained economic expansion for many years, growth slowed as a result of substantial damage and losses sustained from Tropical Cyclone Winston in February 2016. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has been supporting Fiji since 1970, with $509 million in loans, $35 million in grants, and $32 million in technical assistance. ADB and the Government of Fiji are working together through the country partnership strategy, 2014–2018. Over the strategy period, ADB has anticipated an allocation of $350 million to help Fiji overcome its key development challenges. Cumulative disbursements to Fiji for lending and grants financed by ordinary capital resources, the Asian Development Fund, and other special funds amount to $341 million. ADB engagement in Fiji focuses on promoting inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction. These goals are being advanced through investments in transport infrastructure, water supply and sanitation, disaster recovery, and public sector management. ADB has been investing in rehabilitating Fiji’s roads for 20 years and, since 2000, has helped reconstruct around 300 kilometers of roadway, including sections of the major Kings and Lodoni highways. Associated reductions in transport costs and traveling times have helped disadvantaged groups participate in the cash economy, access employment opportunities, and take advantage of social services such as education, health, and commerce. ADB is building on its commitment to develop transport infrastructure, and has approved $100 million to upgrade and rehabilitate over 100 kilometers of roads, 30 bridges, and 6 jetties throughout Fiji. The project, which is in line with priorities in the government’s draft 20-year national transport sector plan, received cofi nancing from the World Bank.
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Author | Working is in progress in ACASH |
Published By | Check Laterr |
Edited By | Saba Bilquis |
Fiji- Transport Infrastructure and Supply of Clean Water and Modern Sanitation to the Residents – Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing