Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Author Working is in progress in ACASH
Published By Check Laterr
Edited By Saba Bilquis

Pakistan- Land Administration System

The current land administration system in Pakistan aims at land revenue assessment and tax collection for the fiscal purposes. This system is organized or structured on the traditional land registers and cadastral maps in paper formats, and their maintenance is mainly dependent on the hard works of the local land administrator so called “Patwari” at the grass-root level within his jurisdiction. Although, the local administrator reports all changes on land rights and boundaries of land parcels to the higher level of government authorities, the maintenance and quality of the land registers and cadastral maps kept at national level are always questionable. The experience shows that limited accessibility and reliability to these records have restricted the operational and legal usefulness for securing land ownership as well as for carrying out the reliable planning and development activities. This paper presents the critical reviews of the land ownership structure, legal framework, organizational/administrative framework, and land administration processes for the land record preparation and maintenance from the stakeholders’ point of view. Institutional and technical issues are discussed in terms of strength and weakness of the current system situation in the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan. Land Administration System (LAS) is concerned with social, legal, economic and technical framework within which land managers and planners operate. Since LAS has the ability to influence societal and institutional behavior (including that of individuals), professional competence and human resource development are an important component of LAS (Enemark and van der Molen, 2008). The World Bank (2001) indicates that land administration systems are usually operated within distinct social/cultural norms and values. Therefore, it is important to develop a framework that takes into account both institutional (including organizational) and technical aspects for implementing land administration systems in the context of land policy development.

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