A Review on Low Cost Housing Process in Malaysia
This research is an overview to Malaysia low cost housing need and Malaysian approach to low cost housing (LCH). In this study the process of a sample LCH has defined and barriers and difficulties in constructing LCH has discussed. The results confirmed that making balance between low income obligations and developer’s profit-making is the key element for building more low cost housing LCH in the country.
The main emphasis of Malaysia’s housing policy is on the provision of adequate, affordable and quality housing for all Malaysians. The government is encouraging the private sector to produce low income housing in affordable prices. But the scarcity and high cost of land in urban areas raise costs of labors and materials and affect low-cost housing programs.
Low Cost Housing in Malaysia:
The Asian economic crisis worsened the properties scenario in Malaysia is resulting too many unsold properties including medium and high cost housing. The construction of low medium cost housing across Malaysia’s states also shows the imbalance of distribution with several states not even building a single low medium cost houses until 1999 including the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia’s Low Cost Housing Needs:
While attention is given to direct welfare assistance, attitudinal change and the provision of basic amenities, poverty elimination programs placed primary emphasis on income-generating projects. Among others, the income-generating projects include cash crop cultivation, livestock rearing, aquaculture, petty trading and cottage industries. In the low-medium-cost housing category, a total of 83,910 units were completed, achieving 63.9% of the Plan target. Out of this number, the private sector constructed 61,084 units or 72.8%.
Malaysia and Quality of Life:
In Malaysia, the National Policy on Environment is formulated to ensure the long term sustainability and improvement in the Quality of Life (QOL). The policy tries to promote economic, social and cultural progress through environmentally sound and sustainable development. In Wawasan 2020 (Malaysian vision), Malaysia confirms that it must fully achieve national unity, social cohesion, economic and political stability, social justice and QOL. Malaysia’s Vision 2020 has stressed about providing enough essential shelter, access to health facilities and all the basic amenities which are the bases for improving the QOL.
Analyses the Malaysian Low Cost Housing LCH:
Study on Malaysia’s plans and regulations indicate that Malaysia pays special attention to housing requirements. There are 12 elements identified as Malaysia special attentions in different plans and agendas which are related to Malaysian future targets: median income group beside the low income group, quality of life, development projects, houses for government employees, focus on building for disadvantaged and the poor in urban and rural areas, more systematic and well-organized urban services programs, emphasis on sustainable development, promote greater community participation, physical and social infrastructure, soft housing loan for target group, female-headed household as a target group and attention to mixed development and mixed income housing.
The Malaysia plans is expected to see the government’s continuous effort to ensure that Malaysians of all income levels will have access to adequate, quality and affordable homes, particularly for those under the low-income group. In this regard, the private sector is expected to support the government’s initiative to build more low- and low-medium-cost houses in their mixed-development projects while the public sector will concentrate on building low cost housing as well as houses for government employees, the disadvantaged and the poor in urban and rural areas.
To enhance the quality of life of the urban population, the provision of more systematic and well-organized urban services programs will emphasize on sustainable development, promoting greater community participation and social integration of the population.