Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 15/06/1965
Author Updating by ACASH is in process
Published By Bombay University
Edited By Tabassum Rahmani

A System of Low Cost Housing in India

This thesis is concerned with the development of a system of structure and construction for a prototype dwelling unit for low cost housing in India. The aim is to explore the needs of such a dwelling unit with its basic requirements and to design a structural system of construction that can produce a dwelling unit satisfying all criteria. To satisfy all the criteria for a dwelling unit of this kind the system will have to accomplish the following to Provide optimum initial conditions in terms of live able space, services circulation and environment. Provide possibility for expansion and formation of the varieties of larger dwelling units. Produce a functional dwelling unit based on simplicity and logic of construction. Architecture provides a significant form of shelter for human life. With the vast population explosion in underdeveloped countries the housing for common people is unquestionably the biggest job for us. Each dwelling built will enclose a life for a small group of people, and if we feel that we have failed in the past to provide a fit setting for these lives then we must try to imagine them fully, both in their individuality, their family groupings and their larger corporate groupings. The first problem is to find out the dominant elements in present life considered fundamentally and to apply these findings to the wider problems of community planning. Of course, what is true for the individual has its extension in the larger grouping of individuals.

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