Advisory Center for Affordable Settlements & Housing

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Document Type General
Publish Date 04/03/2010
Author European report on the role of housing services
Published By European Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity
Edited By Suneela Farooqi

Supporting Active Inclusion Through Housing

Supporting Active Inclusion Through Housing


The concept of “Inclusion Through Housing” has gained significant traction in recent years as cities and local authorities strive to address the complex challenges of social inclusion and economic stability. This report delves into the role of housing and employment/training services in fostering the inclusion of particularly vulnerable populations. It is an output of the EUROCITIES-Network of Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion (EUROCITIES-NLAO), a network comprising five cities that have established Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion (LAOs) within their city administrations. This initiative aims to understand and enhance the mechanisms through which housing and social services can create more inclusive communities.
Supporting Active Inclusion Through Housing

The EUROCITIES-NLAO Research: A Comparative Analysis

Welfare State Traditions and Local Municipal Approaches

Despite the diverse welfare state traditions across the countries and cities studied, the trends in social service provision exhibit remarkable similarities. The EUROCITIES-NLAO research underscores that the “simple” types of welfare state regimes are far more intricate in practice than theoretical models suggest. Local municipal approaches often seek to mitigate the differences in political approaches at the national level, leading to more uniform outcomes in service provision at the local level. This finding challenges the notion that categorizing political and welfare cultures can fully capture the complexities of social service delivery.

Cities as Key Actors in Social Service Delivery

The Role of Cities in Policy Implementation

Cities play a pivotal role in the delivery of social services such as social housing and social assistance services. As policymakers and service providers, cities are involved in the entire cycle of service provision, from commissioning and procurement to delivery and evaluation. This comprehensive involvement positions cities as crucial actors in adapting European strategies, such as the Active Inclusion strategy, and national strategies to the specific needs and realities of their territories. It is at the local level that policies are implemented to realize European and national strategies, making cities instrumental in monitoring the implementation of the Active Inclusion strategy, particularly concerning the third pillar on social services.

Inclusion Through Housing: A Multifaceted Approach

Social Housing as a Tool for Inclusion

Social housing is a cornerstone of inclusive communities, providing affordable and stable living conditions for vulnerable populations. The success of social housing programs, such as those in Vienna, illustrates the potential for creating mixed-income neighborhoods that foster social cohesion and reduce stigma. Vienna’s social housing model, which includes high income thresholds and no income recertifications, ensures permanent affordability and broad access to housing. This approach not only lowers housing costs for all residents but also integrates diverse income levels, promoting social equality.

Employment and Training Services: Supporting Inclusion

Employment and training services are integral to the Active Inclusion strategy, aiming to enhance the employability and economic stability of vulnerable individuals. These services, often supported by structural funds like the European Social Fund, contribute to inclusive employment through measures such as vocational education, counseling, and support for job creation. By providing these services, cities can address the root causes of poverty and create pathways to economic independence for marginalized populations.

Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing Inclusion Through Housing

Addressing Segregation and Promoting Diversity

One of the primary challenges in implementing inclusion through housing is addressing existing patterns of segregation. Cities must adopt strategies that promote diversity and social cohesion, such as mandatory inclusionary zoning and the development of mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhoods. These measures can help create more inclusive communities by ensuring that housing opportunities are available to people across different income levels and backgrounds.

The Role of Structural Funds in Supporting Inclusion

Structural funds, particularly the European Social Fund, play a crucial role in supporting the implementation of the Active Inclusion strategy. These funds can directly contribute to access to inclusive employment and quality social services. By investing in training programs, infrastructure development, and social services, structural funds can enhance the capacity of local authorities to deliver inclusive policies and services.


The concept of “Inclusion Through Housing” represents a comprehensive approach to addressing social inclusion and economic stability. By leveraging the role of cities in policy implementation and service delivery, and by adopting multifaceted strategies that include social housing, employment, and training services, cities can create more inclusive communities. The EUROCITIES-NLAO research highlights the importance of local municipal approaches in moderating national political differences and achieving common outcomes in social service provision. As cities continue to adapt and implement European and national strategies, they remain at the forefront of efforts to foster inclusion and social cohesion.

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